Advice - Chapter 7

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James' POV:-

A few days after my sickness wore out, I keep getting nervous around Aaron. Do I have a crush on him? What am I talking about. I could never!



Unless I do.....

I need advice......

Thomas' POV:-.

I was walking out of class with Charles, giving him tips on how to deal with a guy tryna steal you guy. Yeah.

James comes up and pins me to the floor and said,


"Whats wrong, Jemmy?"





"Uhm.... Hhhh...... A-aron?"

"I knew it"


"Jem... You were blushing so much the other day. How can he not notice that? Unless he did but kept it a secret"

"And how would he know that!?"

"He has his ways, Jem. And he never says anything"

"What do you mean?"

"...Let me tell you a story, aight, Jem?"

James nods slowly and ask him first,

"Can you get off me now?"

"Oh, right"

He got up and we decided to talk at my dorm.

We sit on the sofa and I start telling him about the past on what happened.

~5 years ago~ (14 yrs old)

Im Thomas Jefferson! Ah, no! How do I introduce myself? AGHHHH WHY IS THIS SO HARD!?! Sigh. Ok... Try again...

Hi! Im Thomas Jefferson and Im from Virginia!

Eh... Good enough. Time to kiss Monticello goodbye then I guess. Sigh.... I love this house so much. Ill miss it.

•°•°•°•°•°•At NYC•°•°•°•°•°•

Wow! New York is amazing! How come ive never seen this place before?? I always go to the best places in the world before but man, its cool here.

We move into our new house. It wasnt bad but it wasnt good at the same time. Its just not Monticello or as flashy as Monticello was and mY ROOM ISNT FUSHCIA, WTF!?!?! NO!! I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS! NO NO NO NO N---

"Thomas, hunny, weve brought your extra fushcia wallpapers for you to decorate your room"

My eyes lit up and quickly grabbed it and decorate the room. It looks... Good... I guess...


Ok... First day.. You might be wonderin, Thomas, why are you so nervous?

Well... Ive never been to school before. I was home schooled ever since I was kid. My mom and dad taught me lots of things I didnt know about yet. I was thankful for them teaching me things.

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