CHAPTER 3 ~ (Insert Name)

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Thomas's POV :-

I got back to James' dorm. Though, he wasnt there. I pulled out my phone and texted him,

HouseKisser : Jem, where are you? Youre not in your dorm. Wheres Aaron?

Sick : Im in his dorm right next to mine.

I heard a door open next to me and turned around to see James.

"Come on. Youre not just gonna stand there, are you?" he asked me with a smirk. I walked in and saw Aaron... Smiling? Ive never actually seen him with a real smile. Ive only seen him in a fake one. What did James do? I shrugged it off and said, "Hey! Why dont we go to McDonald's? Then watch that new movie, Venom?"(I know Venom was released like, weeks ago but idc)

So we did. I invited some other people like, Reynolds and Lee. Theyre really close to eachother but Lee likes somone else but Reynolds? I dont know about him. He seems to be Bisexual to me. But for who? He HAS been acting weirder than usual around this kid named Damian. They share 3 classes. Me and him share 2. Maybe he likes him?

(ok, for heads up, Damian is me.... Shut up!! I have a crush on the dude!)

Time skip •-•)b

After the movie, we were met with a tense looking Reynolds. I looked to where he was looking at and smirked at him, "Crushing on someone, I see?" "S-shut up, T-thomas! You h-h-house kisser!!!" "Why do people call me that?" "YOU KISSED MONTICELLO!"

There was a long silence between us until I spoke up saying, "H-how did you know???"

Dangit! I stuttered! Time for backup!

"Everyone knows.."

Shoot! I was too late! Welp, Thomas, may as well tease him back...

"Says the person whos tensing up over his crush. What was his name again?? Damian, right?" "shit" he muttered under his breath. He looked like a tomato. Like, if you compare him to one, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference!

I look behind him in shock. It was Damian.

Reynolds' POV:-

I felt tapping on my shoulder. I turn around and saw Damian. My face started to heat up more and more after hearing him say, "Hey! Youre James Reynolds, right? Nice t-to finally meet you!"

Was that... Sudden stuttering in his sentence?

I turn around to see his face. Little freckles around his face. Fade green eyes. His long, blue flannel coat, neatly ironed, and his light grey shirt underneath. "Uh.... Y-yeah!! Hiya! Y-you must be Damian!!"

Damnit, Reynolds! Why did you stutter!?!

"Yes, I am! Id like to know you better. Youre apparently the only person whom Ive never really got to know to."

I looked at him with a confused look until he continued,

"Well... Anyone other than TNK." as he turned his head to James. "Whats your name?"

Before James replied, I did it for him. To... Show him (I accidentally wrote 'her') how generous I was!

"Hi name is James Madison Jr. and hes from Virginia like Thomas or Mr. Washington.. You get the deal."

I looked at James. He had that one expression where you just saw Flash steal your food from you hands. Damian did nothing but giggle which made me blush a bit more than I was before. His giggle was soft. It had character in it. It wasnt fake, it was real.

"Anyways, Ill see you in class tomorrow, my friend is waiting"

"Y-yeah! See ya t-too..."

I turn back to see Lee and Thomas having smirks glued to their faces. James and Aaron got bored so they decided to ditch us and go to the book shop instead. Us, on the other hand, went to the food court to.... 'talk'.

Aaron's POV:-

Me and James went to Popular after Reynolds was done talking. We split up. They said they would wait at the food court when were done. Anyways, I was looking for new pens for me to draw and write. I wasnt looking for... Anything sharp.... I mean, James is here! I cant do anything I usually do when someone is with me! James said he went to find a book called 'The Afterlife of Thomas Marsden' (which is a pretty interesting book btw..)

Its been 30 minutes and James finally gave up. He didnt find it and.... I felt bad for him. He ended up buying another book he also wanted.

After we paid, we decided to get Starbucks downstairs. It wasnt that far so we could make it to the foodcourt easily. On the way to the foodcourt, I saw Lafayette and Hercules walking towards us without noticing at all. I told James to avoid any contact at all but we miserably failed. Laf was.... Worried..??

Hercules was just standing there. He stood there with 'the frick is happening here?' written all over his face. Laf hugged me for some reason.

We talked a bit until weve reached th foodcourt. When we did, I guess Herc just thought that I was OK or something like that. I guess I made a new friend from Alexanders side. I just have to make sure he doesn't backstab us. They left to make sure no one freaks out.

When we sat down on our chairs, Reynolds looked tense, still, Thomas and Lee was smirking and kept on staring at him. Me and James looked at eachother and looked back. James asked, "Whats going on?"

Thomas looked at us surprised like he just realised we were here. He spoke up though, "Oh, nothing... Just that our little friend here has a crush on a certain someone we may know." "Oh, is he now? Come on, Reynolds, who is it?"

They all kept asking him who it was. The truth is, we all know its Damian but just likes ti tease him about it I guess...

"IM NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING UNTIL YOU MAKE ME!!!" Reynolds screamed. We all had our shocked face out and decided to stop. Lee, on the other hand, "Woah... Ok, sorry dude. Were just trying to make ysure if you DO have a crush on Damian."

Reynolds had his eyes widened. He looked at Lee and asked, "H-how did you know?" "Pfffttttt- Seriously!? Did you even see your face when yiu talked to him!? You could be comoared with mars for all we know!" "W-we? YOU ALL KNEW!?"

Thomas mouthed a, 'Really?' while me and James just look at him with that 'Duhh' expression. He got more tense and said immediately, "LETS JUST GO BACK TO JAMES' DORM!!"

We were then in the car. I felt a smile creep up on my face. Ive never felt this before. Is this.... Happy? This is what it feels like? It feels so... Amazing. This is the most enjoying day ive ever experienced. It felt like my past and problems just left. I was finally happy. After a long, long time if not feeling it... How long has it been? 14 years? Yeah... Its been 14 fricking years. Though, it all started when James came here to New York. But.. Why him? Its only been 3 days... I cant like someone I just met! (No frozen refrences)

I was so tired, I decided to sleep the rest of the trip.

Word count : 1242
Sorry for not publishing in a while. Ive been getting more sick so... I hope you understand! Bye!

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