bUT I waNnA tELl hIM - Chapter 15

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Quick note, this is only a short chapter and Im starting 2 new ffs after I do this. The first, is 'Didnt see that coming? - Thinkfast|Ninjago' cuz ugh. My old fandom got back to me. I dont regret anything. Second, is a book already written by someone. The author lost interest but I had ideas for the book. No worries, I already asked permission. Its called 'STARKQUILL' which is a ship of Tony Stark and Peter Quill. Read that authors book first THEN mine. Thank you.

Becky's POV:-

I was walking to class with James M. and I wanted to tell him sO BAD that his crush likes him. I mean like.... I was really disappointed when Aaron rejected me but.... I really just wanna be close to him. Just be there. I dont even know why I DO want to. I just feel like he needs it. Attention, love, help. Anything! He deserves it. I know without a reason. But he likes James and.... I cant argue with that. He is who he is. I cant force him to like me... He deserves someone like James; smart, handsome, calm. Someone Ill never be.

I sigh at the thought of that. James noticed and asked,

" You okay? You dont look like youre in the mood. Wanna tell me whats wrong??"

I shake my head and put on a smile. I look at James and say,

"Nothing. Just a random thought..."

I look back to the front and there was a moment of silence. We were just there, walking. I smile. A real one this time. I look back at him and said,

"James.... Youre really special to Aaron. Youre a great friend. Go confess to him."

He looked at me with a shaken face and asked,

"What!? Why??"

"He might say yes-"

"and what if he doesnt!?! What if he.... He doesnt like the LGBTQ+ Community? Someone like me! Id rather stay with him other than confessing and be rejected and hated by him!"

"James... I talked to him yesterday. He was fine with it. You can calm down. Hes actually part of the community"

He looks surprised. He looks in front and I do too; realizing this is where we part. I look back at him and pat his back.

"Tell him. Its okay. You can do it. He wont say no. I promise."

He nods and says before he leaves,

"I.... Ill see you around, Becky."

"Ill see you too, James."

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