Bonne Chance - Chapter 16

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James' POV :-

Is what Becky said true? Is Aaron really part of the LGBT+ Community? Wait no... What if this is a trap.  But... Then again.... I would have the chance to finally be with him...

"JAMES MADISON!!" I snap out of my train of thoughts, being interrupted by my teacher, Mr. Adams.

"Stop daydreaming and start paying attention! You have an exam next week, remember!?" he yelled again. It was true, we had an exam next week. (not really them but mE. UGHH)

I just nod and stopped... "daydreaming". I wasnt, really. It was more of a brain exercise. I was thiNKING.

-----------------------Time Skip----------------------

I was walking back to my dorm, still thinking of what Becky had said to me. I might have a chance with Aaron if I believe. I dont know Becky much so I dont know if she usually lies a lot or actually tells the truth more. How can I know I can trust her?

..... I have to ask Aaron myself then.....

I go to Aarons dorm instead and knocked on the door. I waited a couole seconds before he opened the door, wearing a grey sweater and dark grey jeans.

"Oh... Hey James..."

"Hey, Aaron... Uh. You know you dont have to hide your.... Cuts.... We know, Aaron."

He nodded and said,

"Its better if I just hide it from everyone. I dont wanna drag attention. I wouldnt want to rain on Thomas' parade now, wouldnt I?" he said, chuckling a bit at the joke he made. Thomas was popular, sure. But he was also targeted by many of the few.

"You wanna tell me whats bothering you? Besides... You know... Hamilton??" but he shook his head.

"No, Im sorry. I dont wanna talk about that." I nod along, understanding his condition. If he doesnt wanna talk, then let him be. I dont wanna make anything worse than it already is.

"I understand." I reply.

"But thats not the point! I cane here to... Actually ask you something...." I continued quickly, realizing this isnt the topic that I was gonna ask him about.

"Sure. Go ahead. Shoot" he said, leaning against the doorway.

Here goes nothing, James... Ask him...

"So.... Are you... Part of the LGBT+ Community? Im just asking. If you are, its okay"

He froze for a while but eventually nodded. "Y-yeah... I am... Im bisexual and pansexual... I used to have a crush on this girl but.... I dont wanna talk about her." he said as his fave started to darken.

"Oh! Uhm... Thats okay, Aaron! Im homosexual. So... Yeah..." I said, surprised but thankful towards Becky. Good thing she didnt lie about Aaron.

Aarons face looked surprised. "Really??" so I just nod.

He rushed into his dorm and I was confused. I waited a few seconds before he came out again (pun not intended) and said,

"Sorry. I had to do something"

There was a long silence between the two of us before he said,

"Well... Tonight... Are you free?" "Yes, why?" "Okay, good! Meet me at the center near the fountain at midnight, okay?"

I didnt know why he asked me this but I just accepted.

Aaron's POV :-


My thoughts rushed in my head like that one episode in Ninjago where they had to rollerskate in a ring 12 times that made me have a headache.
(Im sorry, I had to. My old fandom got the best of me qwq)

James then said,

"Well I gotta go. I need to finish an assignment due on Friday." "Yeah, okay. See you tonight" I smile softly, realizing what is going to happen tonight. Im finally doing it... Im finally gonna confess....

(Next chapter)

I go back into my dorm and checked the time. 7:42. 5 more hours before I can confess. Might as well use the time to practice. Thats what people do, right? I blush a bit. That... That bit turned to heat. Eternal heat on my cheeks and my heart kept skipping beats when I think if what Im going to say tonight..... I am still not sure if he likes me but.... Only one way to find out, right?

I go and change my clothes into a purple sweater and black jeans witha beanie. I took my wallet and my dorm keys and went out. I want to make tonight special.


I went to a store and bought some flowers, a LOT of candles, matches, screws, a hammer and a LOT of fairy lights. It didnt cost much cause it was a cheap store.

I went back just in time before curfew and went to the fountain. I got some of the screws and hanmered them on the trees to hang the fairy lights. I grabbed the candles and lit up the side paths and made a heart shape in the middle. The flowers, I took out the petals and spread them across the pathway. Im getting more nervous. 11:12 p.m. and I still got time to bathe and change.

Lol guys, Im sorry but I have to leave it as a cliffhanger so you would have to see James' reaction next chapter. Also, Damian and Reynolds ARE back if youre wondering. They havent been to Australia for 3 months. It was only 3 days. Anyways, once Im finished with this ff, Ill be continuing my

Didnt See That Coming? | Thinkfast Ninjago

Ff which Im working on. Thanks fir reading and goodbyee!!

Word count : 943

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