RWBY Volume 6

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Top in the Morning and Evening to you, ladies and gentlemen, my name's Shadow 264, aka hyperkabuto264 and I am here and today, I am going to be talking about RWBY Volume 6 which will happen in 2 weeks.


Okay, that's first off. Now, time to get reviewing. Volume 6, how I feel about it? Sweet! I love it. I also love how they are gonna add new Grimms to this one, I really do. And all the characters are in play to get ready whatever is being thrown to them by Salem. Team RWBY is back together, New Grimm like stated and all the other stuff like that, including Cinder is still alive.

Wait a minute.... DID THEY SAY CINDER IS STILL ALIVE?!?!? OH FUCK SHIT ASS!!! CINDER STILL LIVES?!?! IF I HAVE THE CHANCE, I take her power away from her, then kill her, that's only if she doesn't do anything out of ordinary.

Second, new Grimm, nice. I like how they are gonna bring in the new ones over. I'm not sure which Grimm was it but whatever it is and whatever was shown on the poster, it's gonna bring loads of surprises to everyone. And I love surprises. I'm sure you all do too.

And third... As expected, Salem is planning something big while our heroes are making arrangements to head to Atlas with the Haven Relic. However, there will be hardships along the way. Hopefully everyone makes it out alright in the 6th volume and hopefully Ruby gets to have the feels of her true powers of the Silver Eyes.

That's all for now on my views of RWBY Volume 6. Hopefully we could get some dips on Weiss' Mother and the rest of the students at Atlas on Volume 6. Hopefully Mr Schnee will not be a dick as well when Wiess returns home. So, see you guys.

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