About Kieron0103, And my LAST RESORT

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Hey everyone, it's HyperKabuto264 and today, I want to talk about a friend of mine, kieron0103.

From the First Complaint till now which is on the 27th Feb 2020,

I would like every single one of you,.... well, Brianna-san and NehpetsSanders are an exception as one, Brianna-san is missing since 30th Aug 2018 and NehpetsSanders is busy with his studies and brainstorming for ideas for a new chapter on DeviantART.

So, I'm talk now because after hearing my good friend here telling me what is going on with his Wattpad, this is no longer business, THIS IS "PERSONAL"!!!

Lately, until last 27th Feb 2020 last month, kieron0103 has been going through a lot, and by a lot, I mean a hard time maintaining his Wattpad. I have been working around the clock, to help those who are in distress on Wattpad. There were a lot of successful deeds done and some kept going doing their stories on Wattpad. Others, I can admit, I may have done some wrongs on Wattpad, and I made up for them, and we forgave each other for that for those who already knew. BUT THEN, kieron0103 informed me that his day hasn't been gone well due to people, STABBING HIM, in the back on Wattpad.

For example, there is one time, when kieron0103 and I were about to rp, he said that some of his followers or for those who comment down they want to rp. They rp with him, BUT THEN!!!! they simply stop in the middle of their rp. Now, I know for those who lived in other countries, you maybe sleeping due to different time alterations, so I understand that. For those who are under the same Country Time as him, DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT, TO LEAVE A GOOD WRITER, A AUTOBOT, A GENIUS HANGING UNTIL HE HAS TO WAIT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

Another example, same case but worse!! During their rp, they will just simply block kieron0103. After some personal talk with his followers, yes, some has given a valid reason which caused a small misunderstanding after I explain to them, some give an invalid reason which doesn't give them the right, to object how kieron0103 does his business on Wattpad. And now that this has gotten worse, on the 27th Feb 2020, he was forced, to delete 10 of his rp books, and cut it down to 2 rp books.

Which brings up my question which I'm about to ask all of you........... (smiles)


I have been looking out fir kieron0103 to see that he is sustaining on Wattpad well, he's been doing well and this is how you all are repaying him?!?! Making him delete his 8 rp books and blocking him?!?!?

To tell you the truth right now, I've been looking out for my fellow followers, including kieron0103 since DAY 1 EVER SINCE I STARTED WATTPAD, BECAUSE YOU ALL, kieron0103 AND I ARE GOIN' LIMOUSINE RIDING, JET FLYING, KISS-STEALING, WHEELIN' AND DEALIN', SON OF A GUN, WHY?!?!?!?!?!? Because "I care for ALL of you"!! I care for every single one of you!!! Even if I'm out or not, I always think about you all as a "WATTPAD FAMILY"!!!!!! So, please, for your sake and mine, support Kieron's Wattpad and rp with him. He needs company.

So, since everyone has been repaying my kindness and his kindness by doing this to kieron0103 like that.... you have left me with no other choice. The title saying, 'About Kieron0103, And the LAST RESORT', is not just about me telling you about what kieron0103 is going through, it's about me telling you how much I care for him as a brother and how much i care for all of you, my fellow followers as my own brothers and sisters on Wattpad. My true colours......

So, my last resort is, if his followers and my followers are gonna keep staying to their usual ways and blocking kieron0103 all over again without telling him or me a reason, in my National Service terms, I'm going to give you my '90 Days notice'.... meaning, Your Guardian Angel of Hope, HyperKabuto264 aka, Shadow Wrath, is going to leave Wattpad for good and never coming back.

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