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Olivia sighed as she tried to pull on her work pants that morning. They officially were getting too tight and she was only 14 weeks.

"Ok little one, your already not going to let me fit into my clothes" she lightly scolded but with a smile. She was actually happy this happened because it meant her little miracle was growing inside of her. She swapped out the black work pants for a pair of yoga pants before grabbing her gun and badge off the nightstand.

"Good morning" she greeted as she walked into the kitchen. Elliot turned away from the sink to greet his fiancé.

"Morning babe, are you going to work today?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I've never seen you without your work clothes."

Olivia groaned. "Take that up with your child, already trouble like you" she smirked.

"I am not trouble."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah sure, what's for breakfast?"

"Omelets! Emma already had hers."

"It was a good momma!" Emma chimed in.

"I'm sure It was baby, Jasper is still asleep and I'm going to let him sleep." She sighed. "I need to put in a call into pulmonary to have his settings checked on his oxygen."

"Yeah, I was going to suggest that. He seems like he can't breathe with it on."

"Yeah and he's been so tired in the mornings."

It had been a quiet morning at the precinct. No cases, no interrogation, no perps threatening to blow the place up. It was actually very strange for her. She had finished her paperwork and was currently coloring a picture with Emma. Everything was quiet. Well, that was until Amanda stormed into her office.

"Liv. Hostage situation at the Hodges residence. Keith is holding his wife up with their two small children."

"Ok, you and Amaro go and ill call hostage negotiation."

"Uh, liv?"

Olivia shook her head, completely forgetting Amanda was almost 6 months pregnant herself and wasn’t allowed to leave the precinct. "Oh right, sorry, Amanda! Ill go, can you watch Emma?"

"Of course," Amanda said as she sat down on the couch in the office. Olivia grabbed her jacket and headed out. She knew she should not have been going but none of her detectives knew about her pregnancy.

"Ok, what's happening," she asked, walking up to the monitor.

"Liv, he will only talk to you," Amaro said

Her heart stopped. She knew going into this would be dangerous and it wasn’t just her life in jeopardy anymore. She needed to think of their baby, the little piece of them both that grew within her that she had a duty to protect. She thought about it for a moment, she also couldn’t let those kids down either.

"No, I'm not going in there. Do what you have to do and ill get the kids."

"Liv? Are you feeling ok? You have never refused to help."

"Amaro, I'm fine." Please don’t question this. She pleaded. Now was not the time nor the place to discuss her pregnancy.  

"Olivia, we really need you In there." Chief Dodds told her and she knew she didn’t have a choice. Chief Dodds was one step up on the totem pole and that meant that he ruled her.  

"Fine." She headed up to the door, stopping for a moment, placing her hand onto her stomach, gently caressing it for a moment. "I'm sorry sweetheart" she whispered before turning the door handle.

Everyone waited outside in the defining silence that surrounded them all. No one knew what was happening inside of that house and that scared them.  The sound of a gunshot echoed the neighborhood and Dodds ordered everyone in. Fin went in first, the body of Keith laid on the floor a gun laid beside him. He looked around and spotted Olivia, sitting on the floor against the wall and he got worried.

"Liv? Baby girl are you alright?" he asked, crouching in front of her. She had this panic-stricken look on her face, he had not seen this look since Lewis.

"Fin, the baby" she whispered. Not able to say more.

"What baby liv?"

"He punched me in the stomach, please Fin, tell me the baby is alright."

"Liv, what are you talking about?"

She took his hand and slid it under her jacket. They looked into each other's eyes, silently communicating.

"It's going to be alright, your baby Is going to be fine." He was not used to seeing the women who everyone called badass Benson, completely vulnerable. He carefully picked her up, noting the blood that was seeping out of her laying her on the gurney that was right outside.

"Olivia, are you alright," both Dodds and Amaro asked her but she couldn’t speak. Fear consumed every inch of her and she hated herself for not listening to her gut.

"She will be fine, we just have to get the baby checked out," Finn spoke for her.

"Baby?" Amaro repeated. "Is that why you didn’t want to go in?"

Olivia silently nodded her head.

"How far along?" One of the paramedics asked her.

"14 weeks" she croaked.

"Ok, let's get going," one of the paramedics said and soon they were off to the hospital leaving everyone at the scene stunned.

Her Greatest Salvation -Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now