Chapter 5

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Warning: rather violent and bloody... Plz don't leaveeeeee but I'll probably lose a couple readers lol

I was done playing their game. Time to make a game of my own.
I slipped into a little black dress and placed on a pair of black leather boots.
Slowly, I walked through the halls. All was silent and still. The nights here seemed to both slip through your fingers and last forever. Time was a rather inconsequential notion in this place.
It meant very little.
I strolled into the elevator, pushing the button that would take me down to the lobby.
The humming of the elevator was all that could be heard. Hum. Hum. Hum. Clank. Stop.
It jolted to a holt as I reached my final destination.
Was I really going to do this?

Last time I saw that man was right after I killed someone in this hotel.

Perhaps he could give me some answers that the others could not. I'd heard about ghosts before. I'd heard about distant relatives of mine moving into a house not far from here. They call it murder house. No one ever saw them again. Not even their children.
I went there once. It felt so... Off. It was similar to this hotel, in fact. The constant feeling of eyes on you.
I had to leave.
Not too long after, I found myself here.

I walked up to the bar and slammed my head on the table. For fuck's sake! I can't believe I was doing this.
"Why the long face?" Liz spoke, handing me a drink.
"I'm stressed, bored, and most likely going insane." I replied, head in my hands.
"so, what's your plan?" she smiled.
"Stress relief." I smirked, looking over to see a young man on the opposite end of the bar. "Hey Liz, send that guy another of whatever he's drinking... From me, would ya?" I grinned.
She complied, whispering something to him as she passed the drink over.

The man walked over with a confident smirk plastered on his face. I had to say, he wasn't unattractive. It's just, cockiness radiated off him. He seemed like an ass.
"Hey there hot stuff" He grinned, almost making me barf on him. Ugh.

"Hey," I faked a smile, twirling my hair.
"So, what's a girl like you doing all alone in a place like this?" he asked.
At this point, I was sick of the foreplay. Not like I actually wanted to do anything with this guy, I just wanted to take him up to room 64.
"Hmm you're right, it dies get awful lonely," I pouted. "maybe you could help me with that."
He gleamed. Perfect.
I got up off my stool and walked, swaying my hips, towards the elevator. I could feel him following shortly behind me. This was going to be fun.

I walked up to my room, unlocking it and pulling him inside. My hand reached up his thigh as I bit my lip.
Suddenly, without warning, I pulled a knife from beneath my dress. He didn't even notice. I pulled the knife up and slit his throat.
Blood squirted over me and he fell, clutching his throat. He was choking on his own blood when he finally fell down. Dead.
I was covered in the deep crimson liquid. My smile wider than it had been before. I'd never killed like this before but I must say... It was exhilarating!
I sat down, lighting a cigarette.

"Darling, you are a revelation!" A voice spoke from across the room. I looked over to the source of the voice and there he was, as clear as day, James Patrick March. This is exactly what I'd wanted.
I smiled as sunlight shone through the window, illuminating me further. The room seemed so much brighter now. Not because of the light from outside, however.

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