Chapter 12

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I rolled off of my bed, hitting the hard floor beneath me. Long night. My head pounded with that familiar morning feeling. What a thrill that was. I sat up, my dark hair falling in front of my ghostly pale face, bright eyes groggy in the morning sun. God I hated mornings.
My hand reached over and dragged my phone down to my level.
I pulled my jeans on and stepped into my usual black leather boots. All my clothes were strewn around the room although, what was new there? I grabbed my leather jacket and charged for the door, slamming it behind me.
I stepped into the elevator being greeted by the unfamiliar faces of two hotel guests. It was a couple. Two women arguing like bratty children.
"Aren't relationships great?" I interrupted their quarrel, sarcastically.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" The taller of the two asked as the doors closed
"It means, shut the fuck up."

After a horrifically long elevator ride, I charged up to the bar.
"Drink." I commanded, letting my head fall onto the bar with a thud.
Liz complied with a chuckle, sliding me a glass of whiskey.
"You know, I'm beginning to think we need to get you some help, sweetheart." She spoke gently, knowing that my head was thumping from a large hangover.
"It's fine, Liz. You can't get hangovers if you don't stop drinking, that's my philosophy." I grinned, taking a swig.

"I wasn't talking about the headaches, dear. I was talking about the drinking." She replied.
"Oh. That." I sighed.
"So what's wrong now?" She questioned.
"I still have a conscience. That's what's wrong. I keep killing people... And the fact that they're dead doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as the fact I enjoyed killing them. So, until I figure out a way to deal with stress that isn't booze, here I am."

"What happened to embracing your darkness?" Liz questioned.
"I have. His name is James. Did you not hear us last night?" I rolled my eyes. Liz merely faked being sick and then chuckled. I laughed in return.

"I know I could." Sally sat down beside me.
"If you're here to lecture me, I'm gonna need more drinks." I put my head back down.
"No lecturing here, Bell." She smiled.
I really did miss Sal. Her and I hadn't spoken at all since I'd been spending more time in room 64 with James... Or in the Penthouse with Elizabeth. Truth be told, I think she was jealous... But I didn't mind. It was kind of sweet to know that she cared.
"Hey, Bell, meet me in my room. I've been bored since you ditched me for that bloodsucker." She grinned.
"Sure. C'mon." I said.
"I got some shit to do. Meet you in an hour?"
I nodded in return, making my way back up to room 64.
When I arrived I noticed Ms Evers desperately trying to clean a crimson colour out of my sheets. Blood. For fucks sake. I guess I can't sleep now.

"Ms Evers," I did my best to put on a polite smile - most likely coming off as a two faced bitch but oh well, at least I tried. "What on earth happened?"
"Oh Miss Harmon! How lovely to see you. I didn't expect you back so soon. I must go wash these at once."
And with that, she was gone.
"For fucks sake!" I yelled, throwing my jacket at the wall.
In that moment I felt an arm pull me close into a soft embrace.
"James?" I smiled, turning to face him.
"Darling!" He began
Before he could say anymore I had another sentence out of my lips, "Did you murder someone in my bed?" I said, slightly more agitated.
"Your bed, dear?" he asked with an almost amused look on his face.
"Yeah. The only bed I sleep in... Which I now cannot do." I sighed, pulling away and falling onto one of the chairs.
"ugh an hour until I see Sally and I can't even sleep." My head fell back with a loud groan of annoyance.
It didn't take long for James to sit beside me. For a serial killer, he was surprisingly comforting. I rested my head on his shoulder and the next I knew, I was out like a light.

I woke up an hour later to the sound of banging on my door. James was nowhere to be seen but he had covered me with a blanket before he left. I couldn't help but chuckle. Someone who'd done such awful things so easily was being my shoulder to lean on and covering me with a blanket. What a gentleman.

"I'm coming, Jesus!" I yelled, slamming the door open to be met by Sally.
We walked to her room in silence. Something didn't seem quite right. Something about her just felt off.

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