Chapter 15

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After that, things changed. I was feeling a mixture of rage and this overwhelming sadness. I just felt so betrayed. I'd trusted her, let her into my life, and she'd betrayed me just like everyone else. No, not like everyone else. I can safely say that I've never been murdered before.

James, on the other hand, was fuming. He kept muttering about how he'd murder her all over again if he could. I guess you could say it was sweet... Sort of.... Maybe.
It was strange coming to terms with the fact I was dead. It all felt so surreal. A few weeks ago, I was an up and coming songwriter with a fiance and a nice apartment...
Now I'm a dead witch with a strange relationship with the ghost of a serial killer from 100 years ago and to top it off, I'm friends with a vampire.
Life really is unpredictable.
"James?" I asked, walking back through into room 64.
There was no answer.
Just silence.
I was finally alone with my thoughts for the first time since it'd happened. This is the moment that id feared the most.
I suppose what scared me the most, the part of being a ghost that hit me the hardest, was the fact that I could never leave. Now I truly was trapped here. There was no escape, no way out. I was a caged bird without my wings. I was dead in the water. I couldn't run away from my problems, I couldn't fly away when shit got too crazy.
I was stuck.
I was trapped.
There was no getting out of this one.
The magnitude of the situation flooded over me.
I should've left when I had the chance.

A knock sounded at the door.
I leaped to my feet and rapidly opened the door.
"Mind if I come in?" Liz asked with a warm smile.
In the short time I'd known her, Liz had become the mother I'd never had. She was funny, beautiful, and knew exactly what to say to cheer me up. And some how, she always knew when I needed her the most.
I guided her in and slumped back down onto the bed.
"You alright, kiddo?" She asked, lightly squeezing my hand.
I gave a small smile.
"I can't leave this place, Liz. Ever. I always planned to travel the world. I wanted to see all the sights. Go mountain climbing, white water rafting, travel to every continent... I'm never going to do that now. I'll never go on tour, I'll never feel the wind in my hair as I walk up moorlands again, I'll never get to see the ocean again. I'll never go home." a small tear rolled down my cheek. I willed the others away and wiped my eyes.
"You can still do so much, Bell. It's not all over yet. Maybe you've just found somewhere worth staying." she said, trying to comfort me.
I gave another weak smile and she took that as her exit.
Those words lingered in my head. What if this hell hole was where I belonged after all. No judgement, no prejudice.
What if this place was home?

I turned off the lights, rolling under the covers. I couldn't sleep though. Sleep was just so difficult now, after everything.
I heard the door creak open. Footsteps made their way over to the other side of the bed.
A smile spread across my lips as a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me, most likely believing that I was asleep.
"Hello to you too." I said with a chuckle, hugging him back.
"Dearest, shouldn't you be resting?" he asked and I could almost hear the grin in his voice.
"I couldn't." I pouted, resting my head on his cool chest, listening out for a nonexistent heartbeat.
He pulled me in closely, protectively, like he'd never let me go.
"Goodnight James." I yawned.
"Goodnight, my dear." he replied.

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