Chapter 18

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"Cordelia Goode..." I smiled at my phone. I'd heard about this place. Supposedly, it was a sanctuary for young witches in need. What which was more in need than me?
Perhaps, if I could get her here, she could help me with my situation. Maybe release me... Maybe even bring me back. Who knows? I mean, I've still got my body... Somewhere.

There was just one problem.
If James found out what I was doing... God knows how he'd react. So, this was all going to have to be as covert as possible.
I stepped into my black boots and dialed the number. After a while of ringing, I left a message.
"Hey, is this that witch place? Yeah I'm kind of in a shitty situation... I need your help. I'm a witch, like you. I've got no one else to turn to. Meet me at The Hotel Cortez."

That's when a cough came from the doorway.
I turned to see none other than The Countess.

"Elizabeth... Hi... How can I help you?" I awkwardly beamed like a child that had been caught doing something they know they shouldn't do.
She slowly paced over to me in one of her long flowing dresses that made her look nothing less than a divine image. My heartbeat pulsed in my ear as she came closer. What was she going to tell James? Did she hear the call? Would I ever be able to leave.
I gulped as she outrstretched a hand and gently placed it upon my cheek.

"You should be careful what you say and where... You never know who will stop you from leaving." She leaned in and hugged me, gently, careful not to mess up her outfit, "They never let me go either. Get out if you still can." She pulled back with a sad smile.

In that moment, I knew I could trust Elizabeth like I trusted no one else in this place. This is because, unlike the rest whom couldn't ever let me go, she was willing to lose me in order to let me live. Perhaps that is because no one in this Hotel had allowed her that same opportunity either.
I trusted Liz and Iris but I wasn't sure if I could tell them about this. It was clear that I could never tell Sally about this as, well, she murdered me. And even after everything with James... I knew that I could never tell him that I planned to leave him here either.
"If you need anything, let me know." She said, almost with tears in her eyes that merely looked like painful familiarity. I was gaining the opportunity she was never granted... Because of her. And for that, I was eternally grateful.
"I need my body... And no disturbances..." I sighed. Elizabeth smiled in return, as if she knew exactly what to do.

"You're sure this will work?" I asked her worriedly.
"Darling, it's almost Devil's Night, you want to be out of here before then, trust me." She replied. I nodded and walked back down the hall.

I waited outside the Cortez for a while, or at least what felt like an eternity. Sweaty palms, increased heart rate... I was mildly terrified. What if I put another witches life in danger?
I looked up to see a tall woman dressed in black with long blonde hair. Then I recognized her.
"Oh thank God." I let out in a relief that seemed to wash over me with her calm, compassionate, presence.
She smiled, "You must be Belladonna."

I nodded in return.

We walked through the halls of the Cortez, being as quiet as humanly possible. Then, we reached a door. My shaking hand reached out to the doorknob. Click. And it opened with a creak. I led Cordelia inside and closed the door behind us, turning around to see my cold dead body lying on the bed.
She looked at me solemnly, "How long?"
"A couple of weeks at most." I sighed. "Is there anything you can do?"
With that, she sat down next to my corpse and placed both hands on my stomach. A tear reached my ocean blue eyes as I watched with an intense curiosity.
After a few moments the whole world seemed to go dark. I felt myself hit the floor with a thud and that was it.

My eyes shot open as I heaved for air. I felt so numb, so empty. I was shaking. That's when I saw Cordelia sitting beside me... I was alive.
I hugged her tightly, unable to control the tears of joy that flowed out of me.

"Can I... Can I go back with you... To your Coven?" I breathed out as I pulled away.
She smiled at me, "You're always welcome there. Whatever troubles you may have had in the past, you don't have have to deal with alone anymore."
I heaved a sigh of relief as she explained more about their coven to me. Cordelia was kind, if only Misty and I had met her sooner. Misty. I smiled a little at the memory of her.

"Are you alright?" Cordelia asked, placing a hand on my arm for reassurance.
"Yeah, I'm okay. You just remind me of someone I used to know. She was a witch... Always bringing animals back to life and singing Fleetwood Mac." I chuckled.
Cordelia's eyes widened, she clearly didn't seem to find it as funny as me. "Misty Day..." She gasped in disbelief.

"You knew her?" I beamed back at her.
"Yes... You could say that." She gave a small, sad, smile.

Cordelia made me wait a little before I could leave the Cortez. She said I had to regain my strength.
"I'm afraid we don't have much more time." I spoke, stumbling to my feet. Cordelia helped me stand. "If we wait much longer, we might never leave tis place, that I can assure you."
She nodded and so, we walked on.
Hallway after hallway, a seemingly endless maze that I had grown to call home. We reached the elevator and slowly made our descent to the lobby.

We were nearly there. Nearly out of this place forever. So, why did it feel so awful to see this place pass me by? Why did I not want to step through those shiny doors and make my escape? Why did I feel like I had a concrete block on my heart whenever I thought of never seeing James again? Never seeing any of them. Not Liz, not Iris, not Tristan, not Will Drake, none of them.
I began to feel weak in my legs, clutching onto the railing of the elevator for support. Perhaps one day I would return... But for now, Cordelia and I had to escape.

I walked out of the elevator, almost being carried by my new Supreme. She held me up for support as I led her through the lobby. Not far now.
We reached the doors. I could see Iris and Liz stood looking down at me worriedly from the bar.
I gave them a sorrowful wave.


I stepped outside, following closely behind Cordelia. The sun hit my eyes, blinding me with its ferocity. The noises of the outside world overwhelming in my current, delirious, state.
Cordelia smiled and held out a hand for me to take.

Goodbye Hotel Cortez. Hello coven.

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