Chapter 9

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*ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴀɢᴏ*

I stormed into the Hotel Cortez. It was the only place open for miles with a decent drink.
Oh how I needed a drink.
Cane and I had met only a month ago. He was charming and kind... In his act. Deep down, he was just like every other asshole out there. A problem for me to deal with.
"Hit me" I said, knocking back yet another glass of whiskey.
"You sure about that, honey?" Liz questioned from in front of me.
"Hit me." I retorted, definitively.
I just wanted to drink in peace. I just wanted to be my usual mess of a woman.
There was a woman beside me, her hair frizzy, her eyes painted black. Beside her was a tall dark haired man. They seemed to be in a world of their own so I chose to accept it and just drink.
"You drinking to remember or to forget?" Liz asked, a small smile grazing her lips.
I lifted my head up from the golden liquid in my glass speaking groggily, "A bit of both."
"Well, now you've intrigued me." she smiled. Clearly she was trying to stop me from leaving here needing a stomach pump. How sweet.
"To forget why I'm here and to remember how it feels to be alive." I sighed, taking another swig of whiskey. The warm familiar burn ran down my throat, heating my body.
Wasn't the fist time I'd needed a drink from The Cortez. It wouldn't be the last.
"And what's a ravishing woman such as your self doing all alone in a place like this?" The familiar voice of a man made me lift my head.
"James?" I smiled, finally.
"The one and only, my dear." He smiled in return.
Somehow I knew that remembering how to live would no longer be an issue. He always made me feel alive.

*present day*

"Sally?!" I banged on her door impatiently. "I don't care if you're high, homicidal or in the middle of some kinky shit, get your ass out here."
The door opened with a creak, revealing an agitated and weary Sally.

"What the fuck do you want?" She sighed.
I barged past her into her room, slamming the door behind us.
"I didn't know where else to go..." I let out, unable to control the tears that now poured down my cheeks.
"If you want sympathy, you came to the wrong place." She retorted, lighting a cigarette.
"No, I just want to be near someone who understands my pain. I know you've had more than your fair share of shit." I sighed, plopping down on her bed.
"Kumbaya." She rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"When did I first come to The Cortez, Sally?"
"Five years ago. Just after John." She said, uncharacteristically sheepishly.
"I need to know what's happening, Sally. Strangely, you're one of the only people I trust to tell me. I think I'm losing my mind." I cried out, tugging at my hair.
"You're not insane, you just need clarity."

"October 27 2013. You walked in. You had bruises all over you, ashes on your boots. You went to the bar... He took an interest in you from the start. Even I don't know why. Maybe it's 'cause you're hᴏt and mad as a fucking hatter. It's okay, Bell. Just listen, it's all okay. You don't have to hear this. Just stay here with me. He can't hurt you if you're dead."
"Sally." I warned "I need to know."
"You came in every Friday after that. James taught you how to kill... And a few other things. You didn't kill anyone until 2017.”
"how many?" I sighed.
"Including the ones you already knew about, forty one." she said sympathetically.
I let out a sob.
41 people dead... Because of me.
I'd killed 41 people, ended their lives. All that potential just gone in the blink of an eye. And all because of me.
I slammed the door open, running into the hallway. I had to leave this damn hotel. I had to get away while I still had a choice.
I ran to the elevator, stumbling when I fell into someone. Someone I hadn't recognized.

Sorry for the short chapterrrrr

The Hotel Cortez - Do Not DisturbOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora