Chapter 10

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"Sorry... " I mumbled, sliding down to the floor of the elevator.
The woman who stood before me was tall with long blonde hair. She wore an extravagant black dress with a deep V-Neck.
I had to admit, she was breathtaking.

"Are you alright, darling?" She asked, gently helping me up.
I gave a weak smile, "I'm fine. What floor do you need to get off at?"
"It was supposed to be this one, but I'm sure James won't mind me canceling. I couldn't just leave you like this, now could I?"
"James? You mean James Patrick March? You know him?" I gasped. This hotel was crazy.
"Of course, he was my husband." She spoke bitterly. It didn't sound as though she loved him. Not at all.
"I get the feeling y'all didn't particularly get along." I said.
She chuckled at my remark.
"And I get the feeling that he has something to do with your current state." She smiled.
Man. She was good.
"Apparently so." I sighed in return.
"Darling, do come up to my suite and tell me about it." She spoke gently.
I nodded in return.
I could use a friend who understood how I felt and didn't sew people into mattresses for fun.
The lift went up slowly.
"I didn't catch your name." I said, shyly.
"The Countess... You, my dear, can call me Elizabeth." She replied. "And yours?"
"Belladonna Harmon, call me Bell... Or Bella... Or fucking Bob... I'm not fussy."
She chuckled at my response.
The lift came to a holt and the doors opened into a large penthouse suite. It was decorated beautifully with neon lights and stylish furnishings. You could definitely tell she was stylish.

"Ah, so you're this Belladonna I've been hearing so much about." She retorted, walking over to get a bottle of whine. "You know, Belladonna's have quite lovely flowers. They draw in animals with their stunning petals. They seem sweet and gentle to begin with. Even the fruits, in fact, taste sweet. However, they hold poison. They can also be quite deadly." She turned, handing me a glass of whine. "Does that sound anything like you, Miss Harmon?"
I gulped at her comment, quickly taking a swig of my drink.
I composed myself before replying. Then, with a smile, said, "Honestly, I have no idea anymore."
She sat beside me with a sad smile, as if she'd witnessed something like this happen before.
"James talks about you quite dearly, I'm beginning to see why." She whispered in a low tone.
"Elizabeth... I think I'm losing my mind." I said, letting out a small sob.
She pulled me close, giving me a reassuring hug before pulling back once more.
"You're not crazy, Bell, you just lack clarity. Two sides of yourself are at war with themselves. There is you now, this sweet woman I see before me. And there is a goddess that comes out in the night. All you need to do, is embrace your darkness. Take the dark with the light. Don't fight yourself, that just detracts from the wars you must wage with everyone else. My dear dead husband saw something in you. It's time you show the world that person and raise a little hell."

I looked up at her in awe. She was right. I had to stop doing battle with myself. The only way to gain clarity, was to embrace every part of me.
I gave her a small smirk.
"Thank you." I spoke, more confidently.
"Of course, darling. Now, come with me, I have just the ting for you."

I followed her to a huge walk in wardrobe. Inside were clothes that cost more than the sum of everything I'd ever bought in my lifetime. That's most likely what comes with having money though, not that I'd know.
She pulled out items of clothes before placing them all on the bed.
The outfit laid before me was very me... Just with a slight twist.

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I put it on and walked back over to Elizabeth. She smiled.
"Now go raise some hell." She said.
With that, I walked to the door. A new, confident, demeanor.
She blew me a kiss goodbye and I walked on. My head held high.

As I stepped into the lobby, other began to take notice of my look. I wasn't sporting my usual baggy top and leather jacket. You know, the kind of look that just says "fuck off."
No, today I was different and the whole world could fucking see it.

"Someone's looking stylish." Liz remarked as I made my way over to the bar.
"Well, a friend told me to go raise some hell and that's what I intend to do." I smirked, swiveling my chair around to watch the passers by below

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