Chapter Eleven: I Can Barely Handle One Caleb.

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Dedicated to @Cheyanne_2020 for the cover at the top, thank youuu <3       

Chapter Eleven: "I Can Barely Handle One Caleb."

"THANKS," I GRABBED THE script out of Caleb's hand, a frown on my face. "Bye now."

"Why are you mad at me?" There was a teasing smile on his face that made the frown on my own deepen. He was joking, but I wasn't. I wasn't in the mood to tolerate a stupid question he evidentially knew the answer to.

But is this guy okay? He thinks he can be rude to me and expect me to give him the time of day? I thought after our little argument that it was implied that we didn't have to ever interact with each other ever again.

I started making my way towards the stairs, forgetting about the water I was initially coming down to get. "Get out," I mumbled.

"Octavia." He heard him say behind me.

"Get out," I said a little louder.       

"Octavia." He also said a little louder, clearly understanding that I wasn't going to budge and succumb to him like others probably have.

"Jesus Christ," I stalked up the stairs. "Angie, I'll be in my room memorizing and revising and trying to do my job."

"Bye, honey." I heard Angie said cautiously and I could imagine her facial expression filled with confusion at the conversation between me and Caleb.

"Octavia." I turned around for a second, giving Caleb my best smile and my middle finger to accompany it. He didn't budge, instead, he looked amused by my antics, making me drop my arm down and wipe the smile from my face.

Looking at him now, at the amusement riddled on his face left a blank look on my own. I wish I was able to forget something so easily, put it behind me and forget it even happened. But no, I wasn't like that. I wasn't that type of person.

The way Caleb was looking at me now was how he had looked at me when we first met. Like I was something he was trying to figure out and thinks he already did. But that was the problem. I didn't know him. He didn't know me. There's no way I was going to pretend that we were suddenly on good terms. I don't hold grudges and I knew I would get over it eventually but right now his face wasn't something I wanted to look at.

"Goodbye to your friend," I said, continuing to make my way to my room.

"You know my name," Caleb called out.

"I wish I didn't," I yelled back, making sure to slam the door shut behind me.

I sucked in a deep breath, exhaling through my mouth as I leaned back against my door. "Caleb Romero Henderson," I said his name out loud, pushing off the door and standing in front of my full body mirror.

He had a nice name. With that name, the world knew who he was. Famous writer. Famous face. Famous books. Famous writer of shows. Famous writer of the movie that I was now in. Famous writer who just has to stick around on set. Famous writer who just has to try and tell me how to do my job.

But a part of me that wasn't being annoyed by him, remembered what Sydney had told me. That we could have had a civilized conversation. That it didn't have to be us snapping at each other.

I sighed when I realized I'm going to end up talking to Caleb Romero Henderson whether I wanted to or not. And judging by how close he and Angie were on the couch, I wasn't going to be left with any options.

Looked at myself closely, I tried to see if my edges were laid down properly. Struck by the sudden need to check if I had any edge control left, I headed to my bathroom to check.  

Everything Happens At 2:04 AMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon