The trial

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Later that day the court called, asking her to be present or she will have a incarcerated consequence. Even though she had just had her baby they still needed her in court, because she was mainly the only witness of the unknown women's death by car. 9:00 a.m. was the time on Tuesday morning Anna had came to court with her parents and a provided lawyer.

"All rise" the judge said. So today we will have Anna Sanders go against our lawyer Mrs.banks".

Anna sanders to the stand please, im shaking so bad trembling even when i had walked up to the stand all i could see was sad, mad and dissapointed faces of family member at least i could tell.

Then the lawyer going against me walked up and started asking me questions. She anna sanders how can we prove your not guilty of the murder of Mrs. Jessica Franklin, I shakingly said because i didnt have nothing to do with her, plus she was helping me find out why i had blood coming out my trunk. She procceded to ask another question, But why was there blood coming out your trunk? I knew it had looked bad right now but i had to tell part the truth. "Somebody had put intentially a dead pig in the trunk but i dont know who". She stared me down knowing that, that would be a great excuse for it.
Anymore witnesses, nobody said anything.

Mrs. Sanders said the judge. Please take a seat trial will be set to January 13th 2019
Be here , have more evidence or your case will not look good. Court Diss-

someone came bussing through the court doors...
Oh my god...

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