3 Months

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After they had questioned me i had to ask a certain, question. So i said "did you find him yet?". They said "no luck", "in fact there is no such person born, or living in this city called jeremy greene and there is 8 million citizens".

I felt my heart drop, so he still is oit there and he could kill me any moment he gets, not only including me but my boyfriend, family and daughter.

-*3 months later-*

He seemed to not have came after me it's been 3 months. "How could he not have done anything.... unless he wanted to wait sometime to kidnap me.

Anyways 3 months ago after the recovery i decided to finish highschool and buy a house with the help of my family.

Yes, i got Jayla my daughter in custody with me and my boyfriend she is only 3 months old, gosh i cant wait til she's one i already love her so much.

Speaking of love i have another on the way to love. Yes im pregnant again, too soon but i guess we'll make it work, after all we do have a couple spair rooms in this mansion.

As for Georgia she didnt have anymore problems.
We found out that she was too raped by jeremy but didnt end up pregnant, good for her.

We still keep in touch, since im still considered a teen i write these things in my diary and i have an inner diologue.

Creepy but eh, dats me. My birthday is coming up. And im about to turn 19, why do u feel old?

But i feel this wave anxiety over me like something is wrong, i stopped writing in my diary for a moment. And i had that same feeling/sense when i was being kidnapped, i hadnt felt this in 3 months.

So i quickly got up because this might be a sign. When i went down stairs i heard yelling like it was a womens but it was my maid. I winder why she is yelling?

When i got down there i asked her what happened? She said "theres a dark figure outside, and he-he put-put". Put what i said?
"Blood on the windows, along with this sign".

I got really scared, i told her to make sure jayla was okay, while i read it. It said, "I will see you on your birthday, baby"

I immediately called 12:police. I said 'hello theres a kidnapper and rapist at my house and he left a threat sign, with blood".

When they got here they were the same officers that questioned me at the hospital and i told rhem that he had cane back to my house sending a threat.

And of course be was planning something obviously on my birthday. Its something about these criminals, their just stupid.

Why would you give them a warning if you know your just gonna appear and do something bad, he has got to be one of the most dumb motherfuckers i ever known honestly.

The Missing Girl Next Door (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now