"Just jump or i'll push you "

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People say you will go through some rough and pretty shit in life but did i really expect that to be true when i was growing up....


I couldnt help but think when i was a kid that life was all fun and playing and living your dreams to the fullest but the truth is now i finally could open my eyes to see that life wouldnt be so easy, now im rethinking my choices, over and over and over reminiscing on the past to have a plan for the better future.

But as always that fails to be accecpted because now that i feel this pain and sufferage i know it wasnt no joke to be in the same place as others had been through worse.

So here i am tied up alongside with him holding my wrist so tight that it is cutting off my circulation, so i took one last look at my boyfriend and he proceeded pulling me to the bacuny.

I knew it!, he was gonna make me jump!, and run!

Well if i can think straight maybe i could try to run because the guards are posted out there.

And as i look down guards are completely knocked out!, dammit they said they had it under control.

An in a second he to a rope an we fell down 3 storys, i could hear still some of the bodyguards hurt and when i looked over one of them was slowly getting up to get him but in a swift movement got shot,

down by jeremy. Now they are dead, now theres no possibility of me surviving this but a slight chance, if i find a way to escape him.

We have a gate but as im still guessing he probably had knocked them out or killed them to.

As hik dragging me to the car i start to feel my body become numb and weak to the point where i was bleeding out of conciousness.

I dont know how long wr had been gone for all i know is that i had been in a trunk full of tools, you could hear it.

I had to think for a second, he is so smart but so dumb tk think i cant use this as a weapon.

I still feel dizzy, so i managed to turn my body around even though i had ropes around my wrist, but the thing is my hands are so small that i might be able to get my way out of it and get to the tools.

I knew we was going to be in the car for hours he was still driving so that gave me enough time to rub the ropes together with all my might and the heat that was caused by it to break it,

my hands were finally freed so, next i had to be quiet knowing that opening the tool box was going to make noise and took out a wrench ready to launch it at his head when he stops to opwn the truck.

So i set the wrench down beside me and in a tiny space scrunched up i freed my legs and took the tape off my legs.

Everything seems to be going good so far, i cant help but think there might be chance but i had remembered that day in the police station they put a tracker on me that can pinpoint my location at any coordinate.

So what was taking them so long?, was they already dead or did they wait til it was a stop or did they not activate the chip or was they following us discreetly now, i was thinking all the possiblitys because at this point ik beyond pressed with anxiety and stress.

So lost in my thoughts that i snapped out of it noticing that i had just reached my stop.

He turned off the engine and got out of the car all you could hear was pitch darkness and the sound of Gravel.

The Missing Girl Next Door (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now