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After he had punched me in the face for asking that question he went back to his room.... and came out with heroine.

He started walking up to me slowly and creepily, then shot the needle into my arm that was not cuffed. After that i started feeling real dizzy all i could here was georgia yelling "anna!,anna!,anna! Then crying. I blacked out after that. How could he drug me? When i woke up i felt so different... laying beside me was jeremy i looked down...

Oh my gosh.... all my clothes were missing and he had raped me. I started crying.. how did i end up like this? Im still handcuffed to the bed. He had woke up and said "Hey baby, you want a round 2". I was so scared i froze there in shock... blood started coming down my legs. And he was laughing... no it wasnt my period... he had raped me, got me pregnant again overnight, but this time i had had and miscarriage.

I said "you dumb fuck ypu raped me and made me have an miscarriage". He stood there mad i guess he thought i was on my period. ... he didnt say no words all he did was cuff my other hand to the bed and climbed on top of me trying to rape me again... but i quickly kicked him with my so hard he had flew off the bed and hit his head on the doorknob....

He was unconscious, i yelled for georgia who he had locked in his closet... she broke out of the closet and hurriedly took the handcuffs off of me.
Then we had to be careful and move his body to the bed and handcuff him to it.

But as soon as we were putting the last handcuff on, he woke back into conciousness. And we began running at least we glt both handcuffs on him, it had been 3 days, 3 days since he had kidnapped me.

We kicked through the door and started running for the path... still weak halfway through there but i could see he was stupid and left his red truck out in the open... also georgia managed to find his keys...

We hopped in the truck... still no knowing wherebqe were going and drove until we couldnt no more, at least we had made it to the city. Me and georgia hopped out the truck and there was an nearby police station so we went in there. I had told them we had been kidnapped for 3 days and they then realized that we were the missing girls so they had opening a case to find jeremy holmes. I told them what he had done to me and georgia... my mind is all over the place, i still hadnt eaten in 72 hrs. I began feeling my body numb and weak, i blacked out again when i woke up they told me some horribly news i have.... what??? How many?

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