Ch 1

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I walked into the club, not yet open and looked around.

"What you think, freaky enough?" Kras said from behind me and I felt his snake slither around my neck.

Kras was the leader of our little freak show and gets his look from Marilyn Manson.

Tonight he was wearing back tight trousers with white starts on, blank tank top and a black and white striped coat that ring leaders wear in circuses.

"Definitely" I smiled back at him.

Tonight’s venue was a club just outside White River National forest. The club was pretty well away from any town, it was basically in the middle of nowhere.

We'd been booked for the Saturday night to bring some fun into the desolate place.

We had smoke machines. Lights, creepy music and everything else you could need to turn the club into what we needed.

"When does this thing open again?" Alec called as Kras took the snake off me.

"Nine, when the Vampires are ready" I called.

We’re a freak show, we have every kind of weird you can think of. Most of the demand is for the vampires but we also have werewolves, chupacubra, small dragons, shadow dogs, demons, elves, witches, wizards and hundreds of other weird and wonderful creatures.

I'm a shape shifter. It kind of part of the act, I'm the amazing Aura who can appear and disappear into different animals.

"Music!" Kras shouted and the lights dimmed into an eerie green and red and Marilyn Manson - Tainted love, started on the loud speakers.

Kras sat down on his large chair, which was on a raise in the floor in the centre of the room, stroking his snake very slowly.

I wasn’t sure what Kras was.

He didn’t go out in sunlight, he always carry around his snake and knows magic better than the witches or wizards.

I’ve seen him without all his make up on and he is quite hot, but his also extremely stuck up. He is naturally pale anyway but for the show he always wears his makeup.

"What do you think?" I said, standing in front of him.

"It’s perfect" He smiled at me, a very rare thing. "Just as always Aura, go get ready"

He waved his hand to dismiss me and I walked out the back to the changing rooms.

"Hello little Aura" A creepy deep voice said from behind me.

I hated the Vampires, they’re honestly not as cool as everyone thinks they are. They’re exactly what they say on the tin, Satan’s Whores.

"Blood drinker" I said, turning to nod my head at him.

The guy was tall with a Mohawk and piercings, two girl vamps on each of his arms, wearing only lingerie.

That what all the woman on the show wear. It gets the money in so we all do it.

"Looks like little Aura was just going to her changing room, you need help getting into your coutume?" He smiled, fangs out.

"No, I think I'll manage.” I smiled quickly, walking away.

One thing I’ve learnt from being here, don’t mess with a vampire, I have the scars as proof.

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