Ch 7

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When I woke up, it took me a while to remember where I was.

The snake was still wrapped round me but I was in the uncomfortable bed, the dirty quilt over me.

I sat up, getting slight head rush, to see Kras crossed legged on the floor, a pack of cards spread out in front of him.

He'd taken his tee-shirt off because it was boiling in here. My brown curly hair was sticking to my face with sweat, I wanted a shower.

"I'm glad to see you are up" He said, not lifting his head to look at me.

I looked around myself but the house was dark because of the boarded up windows.

"Do you know what time it is or whether its night or day?" I asked, taking the covers off, which were sticking to my skin.

"No idea" He shrugged. "But it’s my guess to say day just because it is so hot"

"I can agree with you there" I said. "Where'd you get the cards from?"

"Found them in my pocket" He shrugged his big shoulders. He was still wearing the black tight trousers with stars on.

I was dying in the corset so I grabbed his tank top and went into the other room, the snake following behind me silently.

I managed to get the corset off, breaking most of the string and I took a deep breath, I already felt a hundred times better.

I put Kras's tank top on and looked down.

I'd been blessed with amazing boobs but you could tell when I wasn’t wearing a bra, so I was a little self-conscious for a tiny second before I realised the only person I'd be seeing for the next twenty eight, we think, days, would be Kras

I peeled the tights off but kept the thong on. Kras was very tall so his tank top was just like a short dress; as long as I didn’t bend over I would be safe.

When I walked back into the room Kras hand split the cards and gestured for me to sit.

I almost wished his eyes would go wide or his mouth would fall open like when a guy see's a woman wearing his tank top and not a lot else but no, there was nothing, not even a look.

I ground my teeth together as I sat down, being careful not to flash, and picked up my cards.

"I found a few sweets in my pockets too, here" He said, handing me the sweets.

"Thanks" I said quietly and he looked up at me and smiled.

I smiled back at him for a second then looked down at my cards. "Your go" I said.

The snake climbed up my arm and around my neck, weighing my shoulders down.

"He seems to have taken quite a liking to you" Kras said, looking down at his cards with severe interest.

I shrugged. "I guess it’s because I'm a shape shifter"

He looked up at me then quickly shrugged. "Probably"

We played every game we could think of, twice, until I gave up and turned into a snake.

'I think a sssnake sssuitssss you' the snake said as I slithered around, he was wrapped around Kras again.

'Better than being a person right now' I said, going into the other room, rechecking for small holes.

'Why do you say that, Krasssss issnnt that bad' the snake said.

'I know, and I guess I'm not being as nice as I could be but he’s just so stuck up and he acts like everything’s fine all the time, even when It isnt' I said, turning into a hawk, checking at the top of the house.

'Yesssss but you’ve got to think. Hissss lleadder offf the frak ssshhshow, he alwaysss hasss to ssstay calm or nothing will be done'

'Guess so. Still, he doesn’t have to be such a dick all the time' I said, turning into a humming bird.

'I'm sssuree he try'ssss hissss bessst' the snake said slowly.

'Whatever' I said, I wasn’t going to think of Kras for a bit, I was just going to concentrate on flying.

I flew around for ages until I was too hot then I turned back to human and walked into the other room.

Kras was sleeping on the bed, the snake wrapped around his top arms. His makeup was running with the sweat and he looked even creepier than normal.

His face looked sweet in sleep, his normal stubborn jaw slack slightly and his mouth open a little. I picked up the cards and just shuffled them around for a bit, stuck on what to do next.

It was still really hot and I knew my face was sweaty and my cheeks red.

Kras moved in his sleep and said something that I didn’t catch, his black hair sticking to his forehead.

I had a sudden impulse to go over and get the hair off his face.

No, I thought sternly to myself, that would be stupid. I don’t even like the guy.

I moved to the other room and used the long jacket Kras had given me to use so I dint get my make-shift dress dirty.

The snake slithered in again and wrapped himself around me again as I fell asleep, too bored to do anything else.

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