Ch 12

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I moved his hands around my back; I wanted to keep the jacket on. I kissed his mouth again as i lifted myself up to put him in me slowly, watching as he rolled his head back and moaned.

I smiled, bunching his long black hair into my fists as i moved my hips slowly.

His makeup was pretty much smothered on my neck and lips, white powder and black lipstick staining my skin.

"You’re driving me crazy, Aura" Kras said, his hands on my hips, trying to move me faster.

"I don’t think you’re in any state to tell me what to do" I said, moving slower, making sure he was hitting the right spot for me and moving in deeply enough for him to get pleasure out of it too.

"Oh god Aura" he said, his eyes shut.

I bent a little to kiss him as I moved, my tongue lazily going into his mouth and exploring.

He moaned into my mouth as we both came at the same time, me clutching his hair tighter but still kissing him.

"And you said I needed protecting" I said, realising his mouth.

"I take that back" He laughed. "You’re more dangerous than anyone I've ever met"

Suddenly we went still, his lips turning blue, his skin impossibly going paler.

"Kras?" I asked, getting off him and pulling on the thong as he fell back on the bed, suddenly unconscious.

I picked up the blanket and wrapped it around him, thinking how he could have gone so cold so suddenly.

I remembered then, the snake.

I ran to the next room and, sure enough, the snake was limp in the middle of the floor.

I picked him up and put the snake next to Kras on the bed, wrapping it in Kras's tank top then putting it under the covers next to Kras. I pulled Kras's feet under the covers too so he was completely covered and lie underneath the cover, between the two very cold bodies, hoping maybe some of my body heat would warm them up.

I put my back against Kras, his hands around me and curled up around the snake like he had done when he'd trying to protect me, Well, I guessed that was Kras but If one of these two died the other one would too some I'm not taking any chances.

My brain went fuzzy after a while and I fell asleep next to the two of them.

The dream I had that night was about Fire. Burning but unable to help myself or Kras, or even the snake, who were also being burnt.

I was woken up again by the snake biting my leg.

"Hey" I smiled. "You better now?"

He kind of nodded and slithered away, carrying Kras’s tank top on his back, to the other room.

I turned to face Kras and put one arm under his head and the other holding his hand. His lips were back to their normal colour and his skin was its normal pale self.

I kissed him gently and smiled when his lips twitched.

"You totally freaked me out when you passed out" I said when he opened his eyes.

"Blame the snake, he’s the one who didn’t stay warm" Kras said, sounding like a kid who won’t take the blame for stealing sweets.

"You sound stupid when you whine like that" I laughed, kissing him again.

His arms moved around me and pulled me so I was on top of him.

"How many days to you think we have left?" I asked as the heat was turned up and the room became brighter still.

"Your guess is probably as good as mine; I think I'm going mental. You'd think the werewolves would have picked up some kind of sent in there looking for us" he said, taking my corset apart to make me a hair band for my hair, which was greasy, sticking to my face in the heat and matted.

He’d pulled on the trousers again but when I suggested he ripped then to make them shorts he'd freaked out, saying they were his favourite trousers.

"Let’s try this" he said, sitting behind me on the bed and putting my hair up in a ponytail tightly.

"Hey! It worked" I smiled, some reason I felt a lot better with my hair out of my face.

I was wearing my new favourite outfit; Kras's jacket and a thong. It wasn’t revealing at all, everything was totally covered and the one button that covered my boobs gave me great cleavage, not there was anyone round to see.

We'd talked about both our lives, our parents, everything to pass time and I bet I knew more about him than anyone else in the world. Time just seemed to be totally still.

"What should we do now?" He asked, sitting cross legged on the bed, me lying on the cool floor, my cheek against the floor.

I sighed and changed into a lizard, they did better in heat than any other animal I could think of in my starved brain.

I went to the next room with the snake and curled up with him.

'How you doing?' I asked the snake.

'Obvioussssly better then you' He said back.

'Thanks' I said sarcastically.

'I'm not the one going mad' he said.

That was true. I turned into a fly and buzzed round the room for a bit then turned into one of those cute bush baby things. I don’t know why, but it seemed funny at the time.

Kras was sitting on the floor with his back against the bed and i sat in his lap back as a human, chucking the cards all over the floor.

"Why don’t you try your magic again?" I suggested.

I felt him shrug and his hands went out in front of him and me. I could feel the tension in his body as he directed a card.

Then a miracle happened.

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