Ch 6

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I heard the door slam open and I lifted my head to see Kras being dragged out into the night.

One of the guys picked up the snake, who was still wrapped around me and hissing protectively.

The other man picked the snake up by its tail and put him into what looked like a pillow case, bashing it on the floor as he jumped out.

It was pitch black outside so I couldn’t see what they were doing to Kras and the snake. But I saw the woman as she grabbed hold of the back of my neck,

I wished I'd changed into a wolf, and chucked me into a small cat carrier.

I guessed we were in the national park because we were surrounded by woods.

There were more people waiting there with a human sized cage for Kras, who was sitting on the floor of the cage, not looking a bit bothered.

We were all carried in our cages into the woods by about six people from what I could see from my little cage.

'snake?' I said in my head.

'yesssss' I heard him say back.

'do you have any clue why we’re here?' I said as the night seemed to get darker the deeper we went into the woods.

'itt looksss likke ssssomme kind of human tthhing, I'm sssuuree we'll finnd out sssooon enough' He said just as I smelt smoke.

It was another twenty minutes Until we reached a big bonfire and even more humans.

"We have the two super naturals and a pet" The Woman said loudly to the group.

An old woman walked to Kras's cage. "He is very magical" She said in a clear voice.

Well duh, I thought.

The old woman walked up to my cage next and the scariest noise I could make was a hissing noise, regretting choosing a desert fox now.

"She is a shape shifter, they both should be burnt" The woman said and there was clapping and whistling.

The woman but her flabby arms in the air to silence them all. "They will stay in confinement for twenty eight days so they are weak, then burnt"

Oh, just fabulous, I though sarcastically. I didn’t know what was worse. The fact that I was going to be burnt alive or that I would have to spend twenty eight days in a small space with Kras.

"This will show all super naturals that humans are better and stronger" One of the men shouted and they all clapped and cheered again.

Fucking weirdos.

Ee were dragged to a small house thing in the empty space of the woods.

"You will stay in here for twenty eight days" The old woman said.

"You’ve already said that" Kras pointed out and I laughed.

The woman looked at him with narrow eyes, then, from a gesture with her hand, we were chucked into the house.

This place was not a house from the inside.

The windows were boarded up and there were only two pieces of furniture, a mancky double bed and a small toilet.

I changed back and got up. "What do we do now, smart arse?" I said.

"First, we stay calm Aura." He said, taking the snake out of the bag. "Then we wait until I get my magic back"

"Oh, you make it so bloody simple" I said. "Have you noticed we have no food or water?"

"We will live this" He said calmly.

Okay, I was going to kill him. Really, his was too calm and that just pissed me off.

I turned into a cheetah then, I was so annoyed.

I ran round the small two roomed house over and over again, looking for any kind of escape.

I turned back after I'd totally exhausted myself and the snake came slithering over to me from Kras, who was still in the other room.

The floor was cold and dusty but I didn’t care enough to move.

The snake moved himself so he tail was wrapped round my thigh and the rest of his was wrapped round my waist, I guessed this was the only comfort I was going to get so I closed my eyes, deciding to just fall asleep.

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