Ch 3

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Nothing happened for an hour until she led him to the back of the club.

'Should we follow?' I asked the snake.

'yesssss' he said, his tail rattling his tail slightly.

We walked out the entrance were people were still coming in and they parted like the red sea when they saw us.

There were a few people outside with some of the creatures, making out and other stuff I didn’t stick around to see.

'go around the other sssssidde' the snake said and I went round the back slowly and silently.

I heard groaning noises that I recognized as Kras and it wasn’t the sound of pleasure.

The woman was there, and two other huge guys that were also human but could have been mistaken for werewolves.

Kras was lying against the wall of the club, holding his side. I could smell the blood.

'we need to get him' The snake said, sounding as panicked as a snake could.

'Okay, how about you distract them and I'll get him' I said, looking at the three humans, who were all arguing.

'I can do that' he said and got off my neck, slithering its way to the people.

I moved as soon as I heard the woman scream, sticking to the shadows as I went to Kras.

"Gary! Grab the snake and tiger too" One of the men shouted just as I reached Kras.

Kras was pretty out of it but he managed to turn his head to look at me, just as smoothing tight went round my neck, feeling like when Kras had thought it a good idea that I have a diamond collar when I turned into a wolf so he could tell me apart.

I turned and growled at the guy holding onto the horrible thing just as I felt something pierce my hind leg.

I looked over to see a tranquilizer thing sticking out my leg.

I was feeling woozy in seconds and I watched helplessly as the other guy grabbed the snake and the woman dragged Kras to a van were we were all being dumped.

'well, ssssssooo mucchh for a gooood plann' I heard the snake say in my head.

Then I was totally out of it.

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