Ch 8

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When I woke up for the second time I was still on the floor. When I checked on Kras he was still fast asleep.

It had gotten cooler, thank god, so I decided to do something nice for Kras, putting the blanket over his bare torso and chest.

I looked down at him for a second then quickly shook my head and went back to the floor, wrapping the coat over me instead of it being under me. The snake tangled himself with me under the jacket and I guessed he was cold too.

I drifted in and out of consciousness until finally I just fell asleep again, wondering how I could be so tired even though I actually hadn’t done anything.

When I woke up I actually thought I was dead.

The house dark, really dark, darker then it had ever been before.

I have good eye sight but it wasn’t that good and I was too tired to change.

"Kras!" I called, feeling totally stupid.

"I have no idea what the hell’s going on" I heard his voice in the pitch black. "Where are you?"

"Oh, if I knew I wouldn’t be calling your fucking name, would I?" I said, freaking out.

"Okay, stay calm down Aura" He said, and for once he didn’t sound so calm himself "walk forward slowly until you find a wall"

Yeah, make me the one walk into a wall. I thought as i put my arms out in front of me and started walking.

"You have any idea why it’s so dark?" i said as i walked forward, the room seemed miles big as i slowly walked forward.

"No, it might be some kind of magic but I'm not sure" he said in the pitch black.

"Think of an animal that can see in the dark" I said then, I was ready to change now.

"What about an owl?" he said after a minute.

"Okay, don’t get freaked out if I land on you" i said then turned quickly changed.

I instantly felt better when I could see.

Kras was standing by the door, his hands on the wall and the snake wrapped around his shoulders.

I flew to him and changed, putting my hands on his shoulders, which, although were only a few inched away from me I couldn’t see.

"What are we going to do now, not only do we have nothing to do; it’s now pitch black" I said, feeling the snake crawl up my arms and to my shoulders.

"Okay, let’s go back into the room and sit on the bed, its way more comfortable then standing here" he said, turning in front of me and taking hold of my hands, which were sweaty because it was humid again.

"Do you think there are witches working with the humans and there doing this?" I asked as we slowly made our way round the room, following the wall.

"Probably, I think this is some kind of torture before we get burnt" he said as we felt our way to the bed and sat down next to each other.

"But surely they’re super natural too, wouldn’t they save us?" I asked.

"The humans have probably talked them into it" He said.

I fell back on the bed and sighed. "So" I said.

I felt him fall back on the bed next to me. "We’re screwed until I have my magic back"

"What are you exactly?" I asked, looking up into blackness.

"You really want to know?" He asked sounding doubtful.

"Sure, that’s why I asked" I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm cursed, so to speak" He said, still holding my hand in the dark, I didn’t move away.

"How?" I asked, keeping my tone light so he wouldn’t think I was judging him.

"The snake" He said and carried on after a minute. "If the snake is hurt or killed I'm the same, I have to be near the snake all the time or I die"

"Nice" I said, feeling the snake move around my neck.

"We were collected in a spell gone wrong" He explained. Once he started talking, he really talked. "I'm really a wizard but after getting a few things mixed up I ended up connect to the snake and more like a vampire then a wizard."

It sunk in then. "You’re connected to the snake" I repeated. "The snake follows me everywhere I go, he tried to protect me in the van and I can talk to him"

"You really think I'm stuck up?" He laughed. "I can hear when you talk to the snake"

I couldn’t even speak I was so pissed.

I turned into the tiger, who could see a little better than I could so I could make out Kras lying on the bed.

"Aura, I was only trying to protect you" He said as I growled down at him.

'I don’t need any fucking protection' I said in my head, knowing he'd hear that through the snake.

I walked to the other room and curled into a corner.

I was annoyed at myself once I'd gotten over the stupid snake Kras thing. I should have worked it out; it was so obvious when I really thought about it. He never left the snake with anyone, apart from me, and he's always so worried that the snake is okay.

I put my head on my paws and just sat there.

The snake came in and I growled at it, not afraid to kill it.

It turned and left after a second and I sighed, rolling onto my back because I had an itchy back.

After god knows how long I changed back, staying curled up in the corner, slightly calmer.

My mind was all blurred so I decided the safest thing to do was sleep then, hopefully, when I wake up I will be able to see enough to punch Kras.

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