03 - The offer and regret

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Ming's POV

There was the tiniest bit of emotion expressed at my offer. I wasn't sure if it was fear or curiosity. Hell, it might have been a mixture of both for all I knew of Kit's facial expressions, but at least it wasn't disgust and at least it was something. Then again, I hadn't properly explained the offer, so anything could happen at this point.

"What is it?" Kit asked simply, and before I knew it the tiny emotion on his face was wiped away. This was getting annoying. I might as well have been talking to a brick wall for all that Kit was letting slip.

"I don't really have a lot of time to be spending on this assignment. I'd rather be practicing for soccer," I started slowly, carefully watching him for any reaction; a flick of his eyes, a nervous twitch. It was becoming clear that my gaze was making him uncomfortable because he shifted in his seat. "So I want you to do everything for me."

Kit hesitated with a glance to his side to make sure nobody was listening to the conversation. "What's in it for me?" he asked in a smooth and clear voice.

I had to hand it to him for keeping his voice from shaking. It took a lot of nerve to say something like that to someone like me. Then again, he had surprised me before. My heart raced wildly as I tried to formulate the right words. There was no way I could be subtle about this.

If he loved me, he wouldn't care.

"You get to suck my dick."

He bristled at the statement, his posture somehow becoming rigid and he became very much like an angry cat. "What makes you think I'd go for that?" he asked, and I was caught off guard by the icy tone. So maybe he wasn't a robot.

I had thought there would be a chance of him rejecting the offer, but never fully considered what I'd do if that happened. I tried playing an innocent smile and leaned back in my chair - hands behind my head as I appraised him.

"Because it'll be the only chance you ever get to be with me," I replied.

I hadn't expected this arrogance to work, but Kit relaxed into his seat a little, his dull eyes holding mine for a few silent moments. "This is cruel," he said finally.

I shrugged, over it already. "Take it or leave it."

There was another silence, but this one seemed longer than the first. I was just about to open my mouth and tell him to hurry up, offer expires soon, when he finally spoke. "We have to do it my way."

I was instantly intrigued. "What way is that?"

"I'll do the work and then I'll blow you, but if I get an A on the assignment, I deserve a little more."

He was stone still in his body language and his gaze. I rolled my eyes. "I'm already being generous."

"Fuck you," Kit replied sourly, and I was completely thrown off guard. What did he say? No way I could've heard right, but then he continued, eyes just barely hardening. "Just because I'm in love with you doesn't mean I'm drooling for your dick. It's not that great of a reward."

I couldn't help but smile in surprise. I had not expected him to say anything like this. He was full of surprises, and because I didn't know what he was thinking through his stoic and robotic nature, they probably wouldn't end.

"Well what do you deserve?" I considered warily. Sure an A for thirty percent of my grade was excellent considering I'd be practicing that entire time. It would definitely boost my grade for the whole semester, but Kit and his blowjob weren't that important to me.

He hesitated, seeming to waver in his confidence and he glanced out the window for a second. When he looked back at me his stoic face was back in place. "I want a date."

[MingKit/KimCop] Obsessed: Power TripWhere stories live. Discover now