He was talking about toe fungus

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"What?!" Chase almost yelled.

"I'm gonna have a ch-"

"I heard you the first time. I mean why?" Chase interrupted me. He was freaking out a tiny bit. And by tiny bit I mean he was freaking out a lot. I didn't get why though, what did he think I'd do?

"He obviously wants my attention and now he has it. I'll hear him out." I shrugged.

"I thought you were gonna call the cops or something, not talk to the guy. Jill, he's insane!" Chase was getting irritated. I knew it was just because he was worried about me.

"Please, the cops won't do anything. It's not like we have proof." I bet they got calls about annoying exes pretty much every day. It wouldn't solve anything.

"But just talking to the guy? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Chase seemed to calm down and I figured out why when I saw the bowl of Coco puffs in his hands.

"He won't do anything to me. This sick plan of his is to get me back. I'm his weak spot, he won't hurt me." Physically I wanted to add but decided to keep that to myself.

"I don't like this. I'm coming with you." Chase stated. As if that would solve it, if anything, Chase's presence would probably make it worse.

"You're not. You can stay in the car and watch from a distance if that makes you feel better, but you're not coming with me and that's final." They'd probably end up in a fight and it just wasn't worth it.

"I don't get why not. I'm your boyfriend." Chase said as if that was a valid argument.

"Exactly and he's my ex. Do you really think he'll open up if the boyfriend of the girl he wants back is standing right beside her? No. Think about this, you know I'm not just saying this to spite you." I pleaded. I needed Chase to understand.

Chase sighed and I held his hand. He squeezed mine a little.

"Fine." He sighed again. "But that doesn't mean I like this." I could tell he didn't agree with me and maybe I had taken advantage of his friendly nature but this conversation needed to happen between me and Tobin, nobody else.

"I know. If you didn't mind, I'd be worried." I smiled lightly. He returned it but it didn't reach his eyes.

He looked sadly at the bowl when I took it out of his grasp and put it on the table, but his mood lifted when he noticed I did it so I could sit on his lap.

I was stroking his hair and it seemed to calm us down.

I kissed his temple.

"Just one conversation and then it'll be over. He's not worth the energy so stop worrying." I reassured Chase. Although there was this tiny voice in the back of my mind that wasn't too sure about it.

Tobin had done so many things and if he really was obsessed with me he wouldn't let this go after one quick conversation. He'd persevere.

I knew he had already won the battle. He wanted me to stop ignoring him and I was giving him exactly what he wanted.

I honestly had no tricks up my sleeve. I didn't have a game plan. The fact that I didn't know how this conversation was gonna go made me a bit anxious.

But what else could I do?

"I know, but I need to be a worrywart right now, okay?" He smiled softly.

"Alright, do your thing." I smiled into his kiss.


I took a deep breath. I was feeling queasy but tried my best to hide it from Chase. I didn't want to worry him any further.

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