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„Before we start, does anyone have any questions?"

Unsurprisingly all hands went up. Some more enthusiastic than others.

They all probably had similar questions and the fact that they were already recording didn't really affect the recording time as some might have thought.

They didn't get any script and none of this was really planned out thoroughly. So it didn't actually matter what they asked or what they said. It didn't even matter who would be the one to ask the first questions.

ARMY probably wouldn't even get to know that this special Run BTS! Episode wasn't scripted but completely genuine and true.

That's why Doctor Kim just pointed at the nearest member who happened to be adorable little Jimin.

„Who requested this episode?"

There was a long pause before they finally got an answer.

„That is the question that most of you are probably wondering right about now. But unfortunately, I am not in the right place to give out such information."

They have gotten their answer. No one ever said that the answer would be satisfying.

Not even a second later every staff member could clearly see the disappointment in BTS' faces, excluding the leader who obviously knew the answer.

„Any more questions?"

Next one to ask was Jin.

„How exactly are we going to do this today?"

That was when Doctor Kim's smile got a little brighter than it already was.

„So, today I have a special person with me here."

At that moment the little girl from before stepped forward and grabbed Doctor Kim's Doctor coat with her soft tiny hands.

„This is Lee Eun-Ha. With her help, I'm going to show you guys what to pay attention to and how to notice when a person is having any kinds of mental health disorders."

Jungkook really didn't know what to think or what to feel at this point.

Should he run? Hide? Try to excuse himself? Stay? He really couldn't tell.

His mind was a whole mess. Everything was all over the place.

Never in his life would he have thought that he would ever come face to face with this kind of situation.

The fact that he had a feeling that he somehow knew Doctor Kim didn't make it any better. If anything, it just made this whole situation a lot worse.

But maybe staying optimistic would help him get out of this situation easier.

Maybe it won't be that bad.

Sadly, not all things last. And more often than not, optimism passes faster than pessimism.

This is going to be your downfall.

A bad day turned worse only to turn into the worst.

He had been asking himself where the voice went, but now that it was finally back, he deeply regretted not fully enjoying the short time of freedom.

No Time To Heal [BTS J.Jk]Where stories live. Discover now