|34| Mischief Completed?

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Peter stared in awe of a large piece of parchment laid out in the middle of the boy's dorm. "Merlin's saggy left—"


"Do the thing again where it tells Snivellus he's an ugly git!" James begged.

"Good Godric! I haven't even gotten to the actual map!" Adelaide exclaimed.

"Wait, did you already do the Homonculous Charm?" Remus asked, leaning over with the other boys to get a good look at Adelaide the cartographer's work, which currently consisted of 'Miss Tufts' insulting Sirius, calling him a 'pretentious poodle' with a 'hideously misshapen face' after he said the wrong password.

"Yes! I did it after our last exam yesterday!" She said proudly. "I also doodled a bit on the front to make it pretty..." She added shyly.

"Okay! Now we have to see it!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Um... well it's just a general spell right now to unlock it or however you call it, but we can come up with a password of sorts. I thought it would be good to 'solemnly swear to blah blah blah', you know because of the whole Marauders code thing. I dunno it might just be silly, we can do whatever."

"No it's not silly Ads, that's brilliant!" James beamed. "Um... I solemnly swear that I am..."

"Causing mischief?" Peter suggested.

"Meh, I like where you're going but it needs to be something more... edgy." James told the boy.

"Up to trouble?" Remus tried. "Meh. No..."

"Up to..." Adelaide thought hard, scrunching up her face. "No good?"

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good..." Sirius recited grinning. "I like it."

As did the other boys, who all squealed like girls in delight. "Okay, but the one to hide it all at the end, what are we doing there?" Remus asked the group.

"I liked what Wormy said about 'mischief' earlier!" James said happily, causing the smaller blonde boy to smile wide, swelling with pride.

"Me too! What if it was something like... 'mischief finished' or something?" Sirius said.

"Mischief completed?" Adelaide tried.

"Accomplished?" Remus said. "Handled?"

"Settled?" Adelaide tried again. "No.. I think it needs to start with an 'M'" she said with brows furrowed, thinking hard, furiously mumbling 'M' words under her breath.

"Managed?" James suggested.

"Mischief Managed... I LOVE IT!" Adelaide said loudly, bouncing with excitement.

"IT'S PERFECT!" Sirius said at the same time Remus shouted, "THATS IT!", with a big smile, and Peter did little claps, looking around laughing.

"Okay, give me a second and I'll set it!" Adelaide said enthusiastically. She waved around her wand gracefully, executing the spell flawlessly, and with such finesse that Sirius couldn't help but smile with pride.

"There! Done! Who wants to do the honors?" She asked the boys.

"You do it Tufts!" James said brightly, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Adelaide blushed slightly, then tapped her wand to the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" She said with a big smile.

The four boys were astounded as the map began to be filled with thin ink lines spreading from where Adelaide had tapped her wand, crisscrossing across the paper to form words and drawings. At the top, written in great curly letters were the words:

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