|94| Floofs and The Slytherin Savior

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Adelaide was so stunned from the strange turn of events, that she didn't even think to wrestle out of Dollie's grip as the toad-faced catnapper whisked her away down the corridor.

"Oh Fluffy! I'm so happy I found you—Though, it is a bit odd you're here... You're Sirius's cat I bet. Oh he's so handsome..." Dollie gushed, squeezing the life out of her now nauseous cat captive. "I'll bring you back to him later... but I don't see why we can't have a bit of fun until then!— Oh! I can't wait to show you to Madge!" she trilled.

This caught Adelaide's attention. Madge Farley and Adelaide had developed a friendship of sorts over the past month or so that was founded upon a mutual hatred of three things: Micheal Avery, asparagus, and Dolores Jane Umbridge. Adelaide wondered if this was part of some ridiculously ill founded scheme to get her sassy Slytherin roommate to like her, or if Dollie was really so stupid as to not realize that Madge despised her existence, cat or no cat. Either way, Adelaide thought perhaps it would be worth it to see how things played out—it seemed to be a very good distraction if nothing else, and if things went south she figured she could easily claw ol' Toadie's ankles and make a run for it...

"First things first, though— you need a good brushing, little miss." Dollie tutted as she made her way down the marble staircase and on towards a door on the right side of the entrance hall. Adelaide recognized it as the door Regulus and Evan always popped out of on their way to breakfast, and as Dollie climbed down the stairs on the other side that led to an unfamiliar part of the dungeons, she realized that this idiot was about to take her to the Slytherin Common Room.

Countless times over the years, Adelaide had begged Regulus and Evan to smuggle her into the illusive snake den, but every attempt had been squashed with them stating, 'no outsider has entered in over seven centuries'... Adelaide internally cackled— if they only knew that record was about to be broken by her, via one of their own slimy serpents.

Delores approached a rather unimpressive, bare stretch of stone wall and stopped at about the half-way point, then said, "Semina magnitudine," (which Adelaide recognized roughly translated to 'seed of greatness' in latin). At those words, a passage magically revealed itself and Delores walked into the infamous Slytherin Common room.

The long, low, and greenish underground room with its rough stone walls and ceiling was rather dreary, Adelaide thought, in comparison to the warm and cozy Gryffindor Common room she was accustomed to. There were several greenish lamps hanging on creaking chains and a fire crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of them with several Slytherins silhouetted around it in carved chairs— one of which happened to be none other than the ever-despicable, weasel faced Micheal Avery.

"What the hell is that supposed to be?!" he called with a sneer to the mousy haired girl, clearly referring to the white cat.

"This is Fluffy." Dollie said tersely, paying no mind to the boy as she scurried past him and a notice board, toward a staircase on the other end of the room that led downward.

"Well it's hideous—you should really put that ugly thing out of it's misery." he cackled alongside his thuggish friends. Adelaide took instant offense and growled with her ears pulled back. She knew for a fact that she was a beautiful cat. Sirius always said so.

"Don't listen to the mean little boy, Fluffy." Dollie murmured to the cat as she walked down the stairs toward what Adelaide realized was probably her dormitory. "He's been in a terrible mood lately. Can't really blame him though— I heard that horrible Fawley girl did something to irritate him again—She's so uncivilized. I dunno why everyone thinks she's so perfect." she grumbled.

Adelaide's ears perked up at the mention of her name, oddly pleased that their hatred for one another was mutual.

"Oh I bet you know all about how terrible she is with how she clings to Sirius." she continued, approaching a big silvery door on the fourth landing. "She's no where near good enough for him..." she sighed. "But I suppose it isn't his fault— I bet you anything she's just got him under her Veela charms... nasty half-breed atrocity... but it'll wear off eventually, mark my words, Fluffy."

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