Chapter 1

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HE SO FINE 😍 ^^^^^

Jayceon -

"Daddy this shit is stupid," Harlem says as he throws his pencil down.

"Aye watch yo fucking mouth boy!" I yelled as I hit him upside his head.

"Ow!" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Daddy you can't curse at us and expect us not to curse, plus that's another dollar," my sassy eleven year old daughter said as she held out her hand. I rolled my eyes reaching in my pocket while pulling out a dollar bill.

We had made a deal that every-time I cursed I would have to pay her a dollar, since I wasn't giving her allowance.

"Let me see what you need help with," I said grabbing his math book.

"It's this one daddy," he said pointing to number ten. I read the problem out loud a few times and this shit still didn't make since.

"Look I'm not good with this math stuff let me call uncle Kendrick he a know what to do," pulling out my phone I dialed Kendrick's number. Gladly he answered on the first ring.

"Yo Jayce wassup bro,"

"Wassup bro look I need help Harlem got this math problem I don't know how to answer this,"

"Man imma stop you right now I'm not even good with math but I got a friend who's great at it in fact she's a professor, let me give her a call and I'll call you right back," he said.

"Iight bro please call back," I said rereading the problem.

"In the meantime, save that for later do some of your other homework," I said as I went to the kitchen.

"Daddy what's for dinner?" King asked.

"I don't know man maybe I can order something.

"Daddy I'm tired of eating fast food I want a home cooked meal like what mama used to make," Cali said.

"Yeah like fried chicken macaroni,"

"Y'all know Daddy can't cook," Harlem said laughing.

"Boy shut up, I can cook, what y'all want," I lied. Truth was Harlem was right I couldn't cook for shit, my ex wife, God bless her soul, Victoria did all the cooking. She helped the kids with their homework, she maintained the house while I was working.

Not a day went by that I didn't miss her. I missed her liked crazy. A year ago was when she left the world way too soon. Me and Victoria had been together for years, we got married and decided to start our family. Everything was going good until that night. That one winter night that I had forgotten to pick up the kids.

I was working late at the office and I couldn't leave, my boss Mr. Washington had over loaded me with a lot of paperwork, paperwork that hadn't been filed in months, we had heard news that the district board was coming to do their surprise annual visit.

My boss went crazy pulling up files that had never been filed, cases that wasn't completed. Luckily all my paperwork was done. He had came to me and told me that if I helped him he would give me big bonus.

Shit times was hard I needed that bonus, Victoria wasn't making much money at her floral shop, we had bills to pay, the kids needed new clothes, the house needed to be repaired, I needed this offer so I didn't pass it up.

I guess in life you can't have everything, While doing the paper work I had got a call from the school, looking at the time I had forgotten that I had to pick them up. I called Vicky and she agreed to leave the floral shop and go get them.

My Sons Tutor || Jayceon Taylor & Amber Riley Where stories live. Discover now