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Valentines Day

Anne was carrying a bag of gifts

For Diana a few music sheets 

For Jane a BTS Fan pack

For Tillie an IKON Fan pack

For Prissy two Designer dresses

For Charlie a signed jersey

For Moody A cook book

For Gilbert something special

For Ms. Stacey a new Jane Eyre Book.

she headed to school handing out everything. "what did you get for Gilbert?" Diana said smirking "something" and with that headed to Gilbert "got something for you" Gilbert said handing something to Anne the newest Jane Eyre Book "thanks. i got something for you too come with me." with that they went to the cliffs

Of their First Kiss

"remember this" Anne grabbed Gilbert's neck and kissed him they parted "Sure do" he said smiling they kissed again not knowing Diana was live streaming every thing. back at school Ruby was watching everything  "she needs to DIE" Ruby said anger filling her body she devised a plan to destroy Anne's relationship with Gilbert. Ruby wrote a letter pretending to be Gilbert and sent it to Anne.

Deerest Ann 

I wuld never want to se yu agan.

hat Gilbert.

Anne rolled her eyes knowing it was from Ruby but she played along she called Gilbert told her to meet her and they thought of a plan.

Anne would get mad at Gilbert and start Dating Charlie.

Gilbert would start dating Diana.

conducting fake jealousy. and it would happen after a month. Of dates.

and with that they had their first ever date staring of into the sunset taking a photo of them lying down in each other's arms and posted it. Ruby was furious and started to make more hate mail spraining her wrist in the process but that didn't stop her. she asked Josie to write for her but Josie was worse in grammar so it was no different. Diana and the girl had other plans they were gonna set up Anne and Gilbert.

this was an amazing first Date ever it was amazing Anne went home and went to bed so did Gilbert or should i say went to Gilbert's House and fell asleep in the middle of a movie so did Gilbert they fell asleep in each other's Arms again.


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