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What do you call two people with supernatural abilities trying to set up a porch swing? The insane Maximoff Twins.

Wallace was busy laying on the ground reading the instructions while Piper ran around grabbing everything they need to get a successful swing. Both of them complaining to the other.

"Piper, I swear to god if you keep running circles around me, I will not refrain from using my powers on you," Wallace says glaring at the blonde haired girl running circles around him.

Piper instantly stops just so she is standing above Wallace "Wally, you barely know how to use your powers, even if you could you don't scare me, only Mama does."

Both Wallace and Piper are afraid of what their mother Wanda Maximoff could do to them, Piper insists that she would bury them six feet under if this porch swing doesn't turn out correctly. They would have had their father do it but just like them, he is completely clueless when it comes to these sort of things.

"Will you please just read through these instructions, I can't read as fast as you," Wallace says ignoring his sister's past statement. Piper doesn't really care though instead she just grabs the instruction manual from him and begins to read. As Wallace said she takes two seconds to read then starts spitting out directions to Wallace.

Most people say that Piper is usually the one to control Wallace but actually, it's the other way around; she listens and follows after Wallace more than people notice. Even though Wallace is younger by twelve minutes, Piper still follows his directions because he usually thinks everything through.

Piper is the one who is much more optimistic and energetic but is very quiet around new people. Even though she doesn't take after Wanda in power, she does take after her personality, unlike Wallace who is kind of like their father, Vision. Nonetheless, they both are both quite weird, not knowing how to act around other people.

"Can you go any slower?" Piper complains, staring at Wallace who is moving a normal pace but to her, it's the slowest pace.

Wallace glares at Piper and throws his hands in the air. "Why don't you do it yourself? It would get done a lot faster if you did it."

That is all it takes for Piper to take off and start building the porch swing. They both put their money together to buy the swing because they both thought it would be a good gift for their mother. Piper finishes the porch swing while Wallace begins to rest a bit from his very hard work.

"Are you both done out there?" a new voice yells from inside the house. Wallace opens his eyes and turns to the doorway to see a very human-like Vision staring right at him.

"Are you making your sister do everything?" Vision asks, shaking his head at his son.

Piper stops working and moves so that she is right next to her father. "Hi Papa, look at how nice the swing looks."

Despite Vision being an android, and despite androids not feeling human emotions, he wasn't like any other android. The minute the twins were brought into this world, he fell in love all over again, and even though it's almost impossible for him to feel emotions, he can and does every single day.

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