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Over 50 people stood around a grave that was already lowered into the ground. The people stood holding various types of flowers, because Adonis Jeremiah Wilson didn't have a favorite, the boy was a lover of all types of flowers, so they all held different colors and sizes.

Among the group of people was the old and new Avengers all sporting different types of black clothing, each wishing they could kill Rylee Barton themselves.

Rylee Barton had disappeared along with most HYDRA leaders after the kidnapped Avengers escaping, at the moment though that wasn't the biggest deal to the group because honoring their friend came first.

June stood next to Sam with tears rolling down her face. Compared to everyone else she was the closest person to Adonis. They had both slowly but surely become best friends, but now it was just her.

Maylene and Piper stood behind each holding one of her hands, they had both promised to protect and care for the younger Avenger for as long as possible. Sam stood with a straight face, trying to keep himself from breaking down all over again. He had to keep himself strong for the younger girl next to him, if not for his son.

Some funerals would be held inside on a cold December day, but not this one, because Sam Wilson knew exactly how much his son loved a nice winter day. It was almost like this day was specifically made just for his son's liking.

Since neither Adonis or Sam were religious, the funeral consisted of a small speech done by a priest and speeches from those close to the boy.

"I ask for you all to remember this day, not as a day of sorrow or loss, but as a day of love and compassion for our dear friend that left us all too soon. With those words, we have a couple of people with speeches of their own for Adonis," the priest says, stepping back, allowing someone to say their speech.

Jamie squeezes Alma's hand before walking over to the spot in front of Adonis's grave, silently placing a blue rose on one of the open spots around Adonis's grave. He stands up again then, beginning his speech that he hadn't bothered to write down.

"Adonis was, hands down, the world's funniest little shit. Unlike everyone else in our friend group, he was actually happy despite how shitty life had been to him. I could tell you about how kind he was or how happy he wa,  but that would be a waste because we all know exactly how Adonis was. He will always be the most powerful and inspiring person in my eyes, he was a true hero."

Jamie crouches down next to Adonis's closed casket. He pats the dark brown casket and whispers, "I'll never forget you, buddy."

He stands up yet again and walks back over to Alma, who doesn't say anything, just grabs his hand and rubs her thumb against the palm of his hand to calm him down.

For the first time ever in Piper's life, she walks slowly on purpose. She was dreading this because she knew that she would break down in tears. She was pretty close to Adonis by all of the pranks they had done together and how many times she went to him for relationship advice.

She places a light purple lily right next to Jamie's blue rose and smiles at Adonis's casket. "Hey Birdman, I miss your smile. Next time we see each other you have to be smiling."

Piper stands up and takes her spot in front of everyone. She didn't write a speech or even think of one because she knew that everything would come to her when it was actually happening.

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