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The clicking of a pen was heard throughout the Quinjet.

"Stop," Maylene mumbles, her enhanced hearing making each click sound like a bomb going off.

The clicking continued.

"Could you please stop," Alma grumbles under her breath, even though she didn't have enhanced hearing the noise was still bugging her.

The clicking didn't even falter.

"Stop clicking that goddamn pen or I will rip your head off" Ally yells, her slightly enhanced hearing and short temper making her snap.

The man clicking the pen looks directly into her eyes and smirks.

"No." He states plainly.

"That's it!" Ally yells again and launches herself at the man. "I am going to kill you, Jamie!" She straddles his stomach and puts her hands around Jamie's throat.

"Not if I kill you first!" he quips back as he rolls them over.

Alex walks into the room and let's out a breathy chuckle at the siblings.

"You two are going to ruin your outfits, especially you Ally, that was expensive." Alex pries them apart; Ally looks ashamed at how easily Jamie got her worked up and Jamie has a proud smile on his face. "Alma, be a dear and go fix these two before we land."

"Of course," Alma smiles before grabbing the siblings by the ears and forcing them to follow her. All of the other Avengers laugh as Alma scorns both of them.

"If I hear as much as a peep from either of you, I will shove my hand so far down your throat that it will come out of your ass," Alma threatens shutting them both up.

"Remind me to never get on her bad side," Maylene mumbles to Adonis who nods very fast.

After that small issue, the Quinjet landed a few minutes later and they all got out to find six fancy black cars waiting for them. The plan was for them all to arrive at different times with their dates to make it not seem obvious or weird.

"Okay, I expect everyone to be their absolute best, keep your earpieces in; nobody will notice them since they are now mini chip size," Piper orders while handing out the new earpieces. The minute everyone is set, they all take off towards their designated car.

"Hey Ally, can you put my uniform chip in your clutch? I'm leaving mine in the coat area so Maylene and Frankie have a reason to go in there," Alma states.

Ally opens her clutch and takes Alma's uniform chip, mentally reminding herself to find Alma if anything goes south.

"Thanks, Ally; remember the minute we get home we're watching Marley and Me," Alma reminds her before walking over to Jamie.

"Come on, guys, let's get rocking and rolling!" June calls, jumping into her assigned car.

Ally rolls her eyes then turns to Rylee. "You'll be down the block in a van right?"

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