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Two girls sat leaning against the same wall but on different sides. Both were emotionally and physically drained. The last two hours have hit the girls more than needed, both of the girls not knowing how to feel about everything.

"When I was five, I accidentally broke the chandelier in the dining room and blamed it on my father who ended up getting in trouble by my mother," Alma admits while keeping her eyes closed.

Mila lets out a small hum. "My father was taken from me when I was three; the organization who took him took me as well, I found out last year that he is still alive."

Alma's eyes open in shock before closing again in complete exhaustion, both girls already promised each other not fall asleep because neither of them knew if they would be able to wake up.

"If we ever leave, are you going to look for him?" Alma asks making Mila let out a soft snort in response.

"Of course not; he didn't come looking for me and I already have a Dad who cares for me," Mila says thinking about Bruce.

They both stay silent for a few minutes until Alma decides to speak. "I miss everyone, I miss the smell of burning food every morning, I miss listening to everyone's jokes, and I just really miss the feeling of being clean."

Mila smiles a bit, shaking her head. "The first thing we are doing after we leave this place is wrapping ourselves in the best clothes and stuffing our faces with as much food as possible."

"Together right? You are the only person who will understand what has happened here," Alma explains.

"That's why I said we," Mila answers.

Both girls were holding on for the other, they both knew if they ever left this place that it would be hard to get over everything that has happened to them.

"Do you think a nose job would work on my nose? Maybe I should just get a whole new nose," Alma wonders.

"What kind of nose would you want as a replacement?" Mila asks while trying to imagine Alma with a different nose.

"Piper has a good nose, do you think she would let me copy her nose?" Alma asks.

"Just tell her all the hell we went through here," Mila answers making both girls smile a bit. They both knew that they would be using the kidnapped card a lot.

"Are you going to tell Hlín you want to be with her when we leave this place?" Alma asks not even bothered by all the questions she is asking.

"I'll tell her if you stay alive," Mila says making Alma smile.

"You just gave me something to live for," Alma jokes.

The girls sit there talking about everything and anything not bothering to judge each other because this was their way of staying alive well at least until the ceiling door opened. This time instead of Rylee it was a man in all black with a twisted smile on his face.

The man walks past Adonis's cell and shakes his head, "Shame he had to die, guess I will just have to use my grief on one of you two."

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