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A peaceful, quiet morning does not exist when living with ten training superheroes. Instead, it is complete chaos. Five people were trying to make breakfast, two people were still half-asleep, two people were eating leftover pizza, and one person was planning out what needed to get done.

"Can you move your fat head? You're blocking the coffee machine," Maylene says to Adonis, who instantly moves, not wanting to anger her.

"Will you please shut the fuck up? It's too early for this shit," Jamie complains, resting his head on the table. Alma shakes her head at his usual cursing before going back to writing the game plan for the day.

"Man, y'all need to lighten up a bit," Adonis comments, completely happy despite it being so early in the morning. Five people glare at him, not enjoying his little comments.

"Can you just not talk until I have at least two cups of coffee in me?" Ally requests pushing a hand through her messy bedhead. None of them got much sleep last night, due to getting used to their new roommates and beds.

Everyone tries to get through their morning routines without talking until the front door opens, and Alex walks into the kitchen with Rylee right behind him like always. Both of them are wearing workout clothes and holding clipboards.

Alex smiles upon noticing that everyone is awake. "Great! You're all here—we're starting training today. Rylee and I will be assessing you before giving you all your training partners."

Everyone starts complaining about not wanting to work out or train. Rylee rolls her eyes before taking a whistle out and blowing into it as hard as possible, making them all hold their ears.

"You have ten minutes to meet us in training room number one," Rylee commands. Everyone starts scrambling around since they all know that Rylee isn't someone to mess with.

"Do you know where training room number one is?" June whispers to Piper as they walk up to their rooms Piper shrugs before disappearing and reappearing two seconds later.

"It's downstairs, all the way down the main hallway away from the main living area of the building. I'll walk with you there," Piper rambles, making June smile. June never expected the blonde to be so awkward and talkative.

Both girls get dressed then start to walk to the training room, passing by Wallace and Jamie's room where the two boys are busy yelling at each other.

"No, you can't get a fucking full-size trampoline in here!" Wallace yells at Jamie, who shrugs pointing over at the empty space in the middle of the room. Both of them were trying to find something that could fill the space.

"Why the fuck not? We can exercise and have fun, dude, think of how awesome a trampoline would be in here," Jamie exclaims, already deciding that if they get the trampoline he is also getting a basketball hoop, just so he can play trampoline basketball.

Wallace lets out a scream of frustration before leaving the room. Jamie trailed behind him, trying to convince him that a trampoline would be great. They reach the training room to find everybody else already in the training room.

Alex claps to get everyone's attention, the sound echoing throughout the room. "We're going to assess your powers and abilities with tests made individually for each of your powers," he explains. "Maylene, you're first."

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