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A new year usually meant people making new goals having to do with themselves except when your an avenger, you don't make goals with yourself. The ten Avengers were back at home without their parents because its a fulltime job being a superhero.

Ally was lying on her bed, staring down at the necklace Wallace gave her. The girl didn't know what to do with herself; most people celebrate their 20th birthday with friends and family but the blonde girl didn't want anyone to know about her birthday.

After spending 14 years without celebrating the very special day, it was almost as if the girl was without a birthday. Ally only acknowledged the day because it was just the day when her age changed but other than that, the day didn't mean anything to her.

Her plan for the day was to stay by herself and let this awful day pass. Unbeknownst to her, a very excited Wallace was running around trying to plan out the perfect day for them. He knew her birthday just from being very observative.

His plan was to keep the girls birthday to himself since it was obvious to him that she wanted to keep it a secret. The plan he had was simple but enough to make the girl happy, her being happy was one of his biggest goals for the new year.

The building was kinda quiet except for the TV being on in the living room and the fact that there was a couple of loud voices here and there. Other than that, the place was pretty quiet but that was pretty normal ever since the loss of Adonis.

A loud beep broke Wallace out of his trance, he looks over at the stove to find that it was finally preheated and ready for the cake he had spent 20 minutes mixing to perfection. He believed that the girl deserved perfection.

He puts the cake in the oven then turns on a timer before walking into the living room to check on the group watching a movie. Jamie and Alma were on the small couch cuddling, June was sharing the long couch with Piper each on separate sides, and Frankie was on the ground sleeping next to Maylene who was completely infatuated with the movie.

"What are you guys watching?" Wallace asks.

"The Incredibles 2," the five say in unison none of them looking away from the screen in front of them.

Wallace rolls his eyes and leaves the room deciding to go check on the other two Avengers that weren't his girlfriend. Instead of being in their bedroom the pair were in one of the training rooms in a very intense sparring session. Not the kind of couple activity you would expect but it worked for them.

Mila blocks Hlín's attempt at a punch and kicks the girl forcing the raven-haired girl on the floor completely breathless. Wallace waves at Mila who notices him then leaves the room deciding that this was probably going to go on for a while.

Finally, Wallace goes to visit the one person he has been preparing everything for, just as she was 20 minutes ago the blonde haired girl was on her bed still but this time she was staring up at her white ceiling.

Wallace smiles at the sight of the girl in a calm and relaxed position, he just lays down next to her allowing the girl to move closer to his side. Neither of them said anything mostly because there wasn't anything to say.

Ally knew that he wanted to celebrate her birthday which she wasn't against but she wasn't completely for mostly because her ideal birthday was being alone with her depressing thoughts.

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