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There once was a team that was put together to fight battles that no one else could. A new team was created to replace them, to be better than their parents ever were, and they succeeded. They won by gaining a family and a love for their job and fellow Avengers, which is something the other team never had.

Frankie's light blue eyes admired the city around her. The city was full of destruction but at the same time, it was still the same city that always survived. The robots had been put to sleep by Mila, but the fight wasn't over.

The fight had just started.

There were more HYDRA agents coming, but unlike before, they were all ready to fight. Frankie was ready to fight for the friends she lost in the other timeline. They might be alive now, but she would never be able to fill that hole in her chest.

Everyone else was fighting for the city and their team, but on top of that, they all had a personal reason for being apart of this battle. The original Avengers started in New York City—they all were going to start in New York City just in their own Battle of New York.

A figure swung past Frankie before landing right behind her and wrapping long arms around her. Frankie smiled fully knowing that Maylene behind her and that the girl is quite happy.

"We're still alive!" Maylene yells, hugging Frankie tightly, not even allowing herself to regret the hug or closeness between the two.

Frankie quickly turned around fully hugging the dark-skinned girl. They both held each other, happy that both of them were okay. Frankie pulled away for a second to take in the excited girl in front of her.

Frankie stared at Maylene as if she was the sun, the ever glowing sun that was always bright and shining. Reaching forward Frankie pressed a pale hand to Maylene's cheek making the girl's smile to brighten.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" Frankie asked thinking back to her actual first kiss with the girl, remembering all of the butterflies she felt in her stomach at the time.

"I would kiss you back," Maylene answered before shooting forward to press her lips to the brunettes.

The kiss was the exact same as it was in the other timeline except this time Frankie had decided that she would never change the timeline again, she wouldn't risk losing this again.

"Woah, when did this happen?" a new voice asked being the reason behind the pair pulling away.

Piper stood with a knowing smile almost ready to tease the two until one of the girls spoke up, "Probably the same time you started liking Alex."

The speedsters cheeks turned a bright red as Maylene glared at her for ruining her first kiss with her longtime crush. Frankie just smiled already convinced that they would have plenty of other kisses after they finished this fight.

"We should get back on the field but fighting together this time," Frankie mumbles once the blonde speedster runs off.

"Or we could keep kissing because you're really good at that." Maylene cheekily says.

"Saving the world can wait for a moment," Frankie retorts pressing her lips to Maylene's again.

As the fighting business is on hold for a couple minutes, Piper runs off to check on Alex who was in surgery when she took off but now he was awake in his hospital room.

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