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The room was dark; the only thing that could be seen was the light coming from the crack of the ceiling door that separated the kidnapped three from the real world. The room only held three small prison cells and a chair placed in the middle of the ground facing all of the prison cells.

The room was obviously run down and old but it had a very secret feel to it maybe because it's made from all cement and underground somewhere. The room didn't have any clocks, technology, or windows keeping whoever's down there from knowing anything.

During their first week in the dungeon, the three Avengers tried thinking of ways out but none of the ideas worked out. It wasn't until the second week when they lost hope of being found and escaping. The person who had captured them hasn't tried seeing them in the past two weeks leaving them all to feel confused and angry.

"Have you ever put any thought into how everyone will remember you by?" Adonis asks his voice cracking halfway through due to barely using it.

"I'll be remembered by my family name," Alma responds her voice deeper than usual.

"I'll probably be remembered by my weirdness and lack of relationships," Adonis states keeping his eyes trained on his hands.

"Mila?" Alma questions, they had all reached the point that talking about them dying didn't bother any of them.

"I have nobody to remember me except you all and Bruce," Mila whispers keeping herself from talking at her normal volume because her throat hurt too much.

They all stay quiet until Alma decides to say the one thing she has been thinking about since she got here, the one thing they have all be thinking about but keeping themselves from saying.

"If I die c—," the girl is cut off by the other two instantly.

"Don't talk like that!" Mila whisper exclaims.

"Stop," Adonis mumbles.

Alma shakes her head even though the other two couldn't see her. "No, I have to get this out. If I die, I need you to tell my parents how much I love them, I need the others to know that I would die all over again if it meant them all living, and lastly, you need to tell Jamie—"

Alma stops for a second swallowing the lump in her throat; she stops trying to think of everything she wants him to know if she goes.

"He needs to know that I love him and that this wasn't his fault. Tell everyone I died at peace and that I accepted my fate," Alma finishes, wishing she could cry but her body wouldn't let her.

The other two stay quiet, silently agreeing to do as the girl says if something was to happen. None of them wanted to die but they didn't have the power to control their fates.

"If I die, I need my dad to know that it's okay to cry but he can't sit on his ass forever. June should know that all of her scrunchies are under my bed and that I'm the one who drinks her special juice. Tell the others that this is just the fate of the comic relief character," Adonis says bringing a little light to his request.

Alma and Mila both smile not able to laugh both girls had already promised each other when he was sleeping to do whatever to keep him alive.

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