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Remember how in school, you're required to be part of gym class and do a bunch of national tests to even pass the class? Well, when you sign up to be an Avenger, you also sign up to do even more extreme versions of these tests to see if you even qualify.

"You may have all signed the contract, but now we have to accept you into our organization. Every single one of our agents are expected to take these tests so you all are, too," Alex yells while standing in front of ten people who have no idea what is happening.

It has been a day since they all signed the contracts and met each other for the first time, but like every great agent, they are expected to be somewhat fit.

"There are going to be six trials that will test your agility, strength, strategy, mentality, knowledge, and health," Alex explains, his tone authoritative. It was a far cry from the friendly demeanor he'd shown before. "At the end, we will be testing each of your individual powers. I hope you all got some rest last night because we are not going easy on you."

"I can see the family resemblance," Adonis whispers, making Wallace laugh a bit.

Alex, however, didn't find it funny. He walks right up to Adonis until they are only an inch apart.

"Did you just disrespect me?" Alex yells, scaring Adonis and everyone else. They would all expect this from Rylee, but not Alex.

"No," Adonis answers, keeping a normal volume.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," Alex yells, raising his voice even higher.

"NO!" Adonis screams back, getting a small smile out of Alex, who goes back to his spot in front of everyone. This time, none of the young adults are smiling or taking this as a joke.

Rylee takes her spot next to Alex with a stone face.

"The rooms have been modified so none of you can use your powers," she explains. "This is to test you, not your powers. Now all of you have ten minutes to get dressed, and if you aren't back in that time, you're getting kicked out."

"This is going to be literal hell," Jamie comments as they all walk out of the room to grab the workout clothes given to them by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"At least it will remind you of your home," someone responds making all of the others laugh—even Jamie smiles a bit.

The group separates into girls and boys so they can all get dressed in peace. Inside the girls' locker room each other girls are sharing small conversation while getting dressed.

"It isn't going to be that hard, is it?" June asks, still a little bit unsure of the entire situation.

"Oh no, this is going to be brutal," Ally answers, already knowing too much about being tested and going through physical trials. "You're going to feel awful and they may even ask you to leave the team. They're going to test how well you can do in a stressful environment with people you don't even know."

All of the girls stare at Ally, shocked after realizing how serious she sounds. They all knew that the mystery girl had a past but none of them knew exactly what it was.

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