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Wakanda is and has always been a beautiful country that actually had an order with genuinely happy people. The country was covered in colors with beautiful objects everywhere. The country was a rare sight.

The nine Avengers stood at the entrance of the country, each trying to take in its natural beauty. As they observed the area, a royal aircraft landed a few feet away from them.

Therika Zara walked out of the aircraft in a purple long dress with a thin diamond tiara resting on her head. The girl walked over to the group, radiating elegance until her eyes landed on a tan brunette.

Therika's heart fluttered at the sight of her. Just like that, all of the feelings she felt for the girl years ago came back. The dark-skinned queen let out a small excited squeal before running over to the brunette.

The pair hugged each other as tight as possible neither of them wanted to let go due to missing each others presence. The other Avengers watched obviously confused but none of them were confused as Jamie Rogers.

"Maria! You look gorgeous as ever, you look a bit pale though. Have you eaten? I can have the cooks prepare your favorite." Therika rambles becoming more nervous than she usually is.

Alma laughs forgetting all about her small episode earlier, the brunette reaches forward and pats Therika's shoulder knowing that would calm the girl down. Therika stops talking and instead just smiles at Alma.

"Erika, these are my friends they all are Avengers as well," Alma says then introduces all of the Avengers to Therika who greets them all.

"It's so lovely to meet you all, welcome to Wakanda. Are any of you hungry or tired? I can arrange for food and beds to be made for you all." Therika offers as her father T'Challa walks over with a friendly smile.

T'Challa hugs Alma before introducing himself to the others after a couple minutes of small conversation the conversation turned to the real reason why the group was there. Of course, Therika and T'Challa decided to first go to the palace before having that conversation.

Wakanda might be a beautiful country with lovely people but like every other place, it has wandering ears that could possibly let something out to the rest of the world.

The group walked into the palace all very shocked with how high tech and beautiful the building was, Wakanda was obviously much more advanced than the rest of the world. Always being ten steps ahead.

They ended up in the main tech room which held Shuri, who was teaching her son computer tricks. Not the most common way a mother and son usually spent time, but to these two it was a normal activity.

Most of the country disagreed with the young woman's ways, because unlike most mothers she wasn't married or even in a relationship, instead raising her mixed son by herself. Along with her being single, not many agreed with her son's father being white but Shuri didn't care and instead spent her time being happy.

"Shuri, Morin, come meet the new Avengers," T'Challa calls making Shuri look over shocked at the thought of the Avengers being there.

"Brother, you never told me we were having visitors. I better not have to take care of another broken soldier!" Shuri exclaims with a joking tone.

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