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"Reports show the new Avengers now secure in their home after a large fight at a high-class Gala in New York City. No one knew who they were fighting or why they were doing it, but multiple civilians are injured or dead—"

"They're blaming everything on us! Not even mentioning our lost teammates." Jamie chucks the remote across the room, frustrated at that fact that he lost two people he should've always put before himself.

"They don't know about Adonis, Mila, Alma, Rylee or Ally. You can't blame yourself for this." Maylene says, even though she, herself feels guilty.

"Y— you're right, we should tell the parents," Jamie mumbles. Even after two weeks, everything still seems so surreal.

"Alex? Make the call; we need the old Avengers," Hlín commands. Alex grabs his phone and briskly walks out of the room.

Almost half an hour later, a big van shows up, containing all the old Avengers. Natasha walks through the door first.

"We heard you guys failed a mission but was it really that important to call us down?" Natasha jokes, but when she received silence from the normally giggly group, she started to worry.

Next walked in Wanda, Loki, Dr. Strange, and Peter. They treated the group with variations of hellos and took a seat like Nat did. The last people to walk in were Sam, Clint, Tony, Bruce, Steve, and Bucky. They each looked around for their kids, Bucky and Steve only finding one of them but the others found none.

"Where is everyone...? Still sleeping? it's almost noon," Sam asks, he was met with heads being shaken and tears rolling down a few faces; he automatically assumed the worst.

"Well...," Hlín starts, trying to compose herself and speak in a way that won't get her killed. "Adonis, Alma, Mila, and Rylee were captured in HYDRA."

"And Ally is just upstairs, right? We don't have to worry," Steve asked, Bucky by his side with a worried expression.

Nobody has the chance to answer him because Tony suddenly gets up; within seconds he's talking to someone on his phone—he wasn't just going to sit around when his daughter is being held by a terrorist group.

"Where the hell is Ally?" Bucky asks, standing up in anger, more angry with himself and at HYDRA than at the young adults.

"She was brainwashed by HYDRA, we know she was taken as well but unlike the others, they are going to use her abilities to there advantage," Wallace mumbles keeping himself from freaking out.

The blond blamed himself for Ally getting taken; maybe if he had taken her with him to investigate all the screaming then she would still be here. Maybe if he had just done the mission right without any breaks then they would be handling this together.

The last two weeks have been utter hell for the Avengers; everyone would either be awake searching for the others or crying themselves to sleep. Neither of them knew how to handle the empty facility and feeling inside them.

"What went wrong with the mission?" Natasha asks remaining calm for the Doctor next to her.

"The place was filled with HYDRA agents, we had been told that only a couple HYDRA leaders would be there but we were wrong," Maylene mumbles wiping away her tears.

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