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Christmas is a big deal to kids especially because it involves presents but unlike most people, Frankie wasn't having it. Her brothers were trying to wake the girl because it was a rule that everyone has to be there for the gift ceremony but the brunette just didn't want to get up.

"Leave me alone," Frankie mumbles placing her head under her white pillow as the two boys began to jump on her bed.

"Wake up, you lazy hoe!" Everett yells as Jasper proceeded to take away the girl's covers and pillows.

"I'm pantsless!" Frankie yells, her eyes remaining shut until Jasper licks her cheek, making her scream in disgust.

"You nasty little moron!" Frankie exclaims, getting out of bed to beat up her little brother but doesn't get the chance to because both boys run out of the room.

The brunette lets out a loud groan before pulling on her pajama pants and walking out to the family room where her family was waiting. Stephen smiles at the sight of his daughter and just wraps an arm around the girl while handing her a mug filled with hot cocoa.

"Good morning, sweetpea. How was your sleep?" He asks, giving his full attention to his daughter.

The two were very close; most parents aren't supposed to have a favorite, but since she was his only daughter, it was obvious that he treated her differently.

"It was amazing until those vultures woke me up," Frankie says, glaring at her brothers who were both putting the presents into piles based off who was receiving them.

"Wait, so Frankie has 38 presents, Everett has 30, while I only have 27? What the fuck, guys?" Jasper complains.

"Jasper, you asked for a bunch of expensive gifts while Everett asked for things for his apartment along with cooking stuff. Frankie asked for small inexpensive things so stop being annoying and just open your presents," Christine says rolling her eyes in the process while taking out her digital camera.

Frankie took her spot between her brothers, getting ready to take their yearly photo in front of the tree, it became a tradition that the kids would sit in front of the tree and smile. They all pull on Santa hats and smile as wide as possible.

"What do we say?" Christine asks wanting to hear them all say the family motto.

"What a strange family!" the three yell in unison, all of them wanting to laugh about the motto.

Once the picture is taken they each begin to open their gifts all of them excited to see what their parents decided should be bought and given to each of them. The strange family spends the morning opening gifts and spending time together while getting ready to head to the Stark's for dinner.

In Norway was a royal family having a very nonroyal Christmas. Even though they were Asgardians they all celebrated the holiday proudly because they each enjoyed a good family day and reason to get together.

The triplets were running around the big living room, playing with all of the new toys that had been given to them earlier. Hlín was helping Sif with the cleaning from brunch as Thor and Loki sat at the table talking about everything.

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