7. Different person 😜

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I opened my eyes and quickly closed them again. I had a terrible headache and the sunlight wasn't helping.

I groaned loudly, not caring who heard me.

"Ara, thank god. How are you feeling? " Luke asked, as he hovered over me.

"I'm fine. " I answered, slowly getting up to a sitting position. I tried again and forced my eyes open.

I was still confused. I mean, I lived my entire life as me, only to literally wake up one morning and find out I'm actually someone else. Harsh .

"What happened? " Luke asked.

"I don't know." I answered. Well it wasn't an actual lie. I can't tell them yet. Most of my memories are still blurred out anyway.

"Are you going to be able to travel?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Luke. " I turned to Lily and the girls. "I'm sorry I woke you and the children, Lily. "

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm just glad you're okay. " Lily smiled.

"Did you three get enough rest?" I asked the girls.

"Please stop worrying about us and take care of yourself. " Ezra said. "We're fine "


Luke, Lily and the girls packed up to travel again. I volunteered to help, but Luke insisted that I save my strength.

Since I regained consciousness, I noticed that I hadn't seen a certain, grumpy , bloodsucker.
I looked around and my eyes landed on a pair of light green ones. Ian. My Ian.

The only man I've ever loved was right in front of me. How I longed to be in his arms once again, to feel his soft lips on mine. It's strange that after two centuries , one look of him was all it took to make my heart race.

I opened my mouth to say ' I love you', but what came out was...

"Seriously? I fainted and you left me on the hard ground? Thanks to you I'm probably going to have aches all over my body!"

"I thought I made it clear to you. Human life holds no importance to me." The coldness of his voice nearly made me flinch.

Why are you like this?

A sudden pain erupted in my chest. I couldn't look at him any longer. I looked away. "We should probably get going. " I told Luke.


We spent the day walking. I was trying to keep as much distance between Ian and I as possible.

Was it my death that made him like this? Impossible. He was the first and only man I have ever loved , but it had been two centuries. Surely he's moved on by now. He probably had better girls before and after me. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"What's wrong? " Ezra asked.

"Nothing." I said. Both Ezra and Elle gave me the ' not buying it' look. "Just trying to figure some stuff out." I gave in.

"Well if you want to talk, we're here." Ezra said, and
Elle nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, but I need to keep this one to myself. " they nodded, undertandingly.


Night. It's night and it's so freaking cold. Since the sun went on a vacation the days have been, cold and the nights have been freezing.

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