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//Third POV//

With a switch of gears, the car was parked into the driveway, waiting for it to be used again.

You, Y/n L/n, trudged up the driveway and unlocked the door with the Golden key that was hiding in your pocket.

You walked through the door of your house calling out a tired, "I'm home."

The house was dark, but everyone's cars were still there so everyone must've have been asleep, it being 2AM after all.

Some days you would find Allison or Blake still up.

Your roommates were always worried about you coming home so late from work and tried to stay up and wait for you.

Allison Connor has positivity in her blood stream, having fun pursuing her dreams of voice acting and always thinking there's a reason to everything.

She loved her newly wed husband Thomas Connor (who she was planning to move into her own house with in 1 or 2 months) with all her heart and was basically an angel.

Blake Reinhowzer is a jokester and comedic guy who takes pride in his cooking, always doing the right thing while being a little mischievous along the way, always cracking jokes and helping you and some of your other roommates pull pranks on each other.

He loves animals and would do anything for his girlfriend, Margarita.

Logan Archer was the more responsible and grown up out of all of you, pulling the least amount of pranks on each other and having to clean all of your messes.

Logan and You became quick friends when you two first met, bonding over books and music.

Logan was a sweet and gentle guy, compassionate and generous, while being very assertive.

Mariana "Marie" Lopez, is one of your childhood friends and is the only one who you can see in physical form, while the rest of the gang is out of state.

She works as a correctional officer in the state jail for the women side, so she gets home just as late as you in some nights.

And finally, there's the one who started the whole roommates thing into one house and brought everyone together.

None of you still know her real name despite living there for 2 years, but she said to call her Celeryy.

Most of the time, she barely leaves her room on the top floor and just stays in there making art for her animation/digital job or watching YouTube or anime.

She has no discernible personality but she pays all the bills from all of your pay from rent and has a decent credit score.

You took a quick shower and changed into pajamas after getting out of uniform.

You are an agent for Child Protection Services and works hard to help kids in need and suffering.

You couldn't remember the reason why you wanted to do this but something in your heart told you to..or maybe it was your stomach.

Your were starving after all!

As you were skimming through random stuff on your laptop, you realized you got an email, so you opened it up.

Dear Y/n,

It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I hope you have been doing well! I sent you this email to invite you to a 10 year reunion for the Camp Campbell generation of year 20**. Please RSVP to this email before November 7th to say if your going or not and then I'll give you all the information.

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