Mi Amor

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//Max's POV//

I waited for Y/n to get home to tell her.

It was about 3AM, now, getting later and later.

I fidgeted with my hands, nervous if she was okay.

Allison and Blake offered to wait with me, but since they had work in the morning I told them it was fine.

I couldn't stop texting her, excited to tell her.

-gotta tell you something when you get homeeeee

Even when she was at work she would usually respond pretty quickly.

It was weird.

After another half hour, I finally got a text back.


I was relieved she seemed okay, though I had to make sure.

-are you okay? usually you're quick to text back

-yeah I'm fine, I wasn't near my phone lol

-I'm on my way home, so see ya in a bit.

-see ya

I never expected to get that nervous over such a stupid thing.

It was honestly embarrassing.

After a little bit of waiting, she came through the front door.

I went up to her, only to stop when I saw the black eye and bloody nose.

"Y/n, oh my god," I freaked the fuck out.

"Max, it's fine. You'll have to get used to seeing this if we're gonna work together," She waved me away.

"This is why you need a partner," I sighed.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She puffed her cheeks.

"I mean, I know you're strong, but sometimes, you need a hand," I explained.

"..guess you're right," She smiled slightly.

"Let's get you some ice and I'll tell you what happened."

After she took a shower and got some frozen peas for her eye, we sat on the couch so I could tell her what happened.

"So..did you get the job or what?"

"..." I stayed silent to tease her.

"tELL ME," She threw a pillow at me.

"Okay, okay....I got the job," I smiled.

Y/n jumped up, the biggest smile on her face.

She then proceeded to jump on me, giving me a hug.


Guess she wasn't wrong about the hug.

"I bet so," I answered calmly.

I put my hand on her cheek, causing her to blush a little bit, "and I couldn't have done it without you."

"Aw, Max.."

"Seriously. I wouldn't have been able to land a job like this on my own. Hell, I'd probably be living on the streets, if it wasn't for you."

I hugged her this time, "Thank you so much, Y/n. I will never forget this."

"Always, Max."

She nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, her soft breathing tickling my skin.

She was tired, that last job obviously doing a number on her.

Thank god she had the next day off.

She fell asleep in my arms, I carried her to her room, and laid her on her bed,
Covering her with a throw blanket.

"Goodnight, mi ángel," I wished her good night as I kissed her on the forehead.

And that's when I felt something grab my wrist.

She was holding my arm, and sleepily said, "stay."

"Heh..okay," I chuckled.

I awkwardly laid next to her, that is, until she scooted closer to me, and laid her head on my chest.

I was internally screaming, because of how much I loved this.

I stroked her hair, "Y/n.."

Words couldn't describe how much bliss I was in, just laying with her, and stroking her hair while repeating her name for the only reason that I liked the way it sounded and rolled off the tongue.

"Mi belleza.." I sighed, "Desearía que supieras cuánto te amo."

I kissed her forehead again, just loving the way her skin felt on my lips.

I soon began to fall asleep, mi amor in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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