Same old Max

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*one week later*
//Max's POV//

The morning before my interview was crazy.

Everyone ran around like crazy.

Of course, once David found out, he was there first thing in the morning for moral support.

He was also going drive me since Y/n had to work today, but we would leave together.

David helped me with my tie, while trying to motivate me, "You're going to be great, Max!"

"You think so?" I asked, admittedly nervous.

"I know so!" David smiled his ever too positive smile.

"He's right, you know," Y/n budded in, already in uniform.

I sighed, my palms sweat from being so nervous.

Once David left my room, I asked Y/n to come back.

"Yeah, what's up?" She shut the door behind her.

I didn't say anything, I just hugged her.

I honestly didn't know what gotten into me, I guess I was just grateful.

And that's when I thought it'd be a good time to ask her.

"Y/n, if I get this job, it'll be all thanks to you. So, I was wondering, maybe we can go out together? Just the two of us?" I asked her, while hugging her.

"Make it a date," Y/n smiled, blush spreading across her cheeks.

Before she left, she went on her tip toes to reach my face, and kissed my cheek.

Once she left, I couldn't do anything but hold my cheek where she kissed me, and say, "fuck yeah."

The rest of the morning consisted of the rest of my roommates telling me good luck, and a lively breakfast together.

It felt nice.

Everyone got up at 5AM just to say good luck and have breakfast with me.

As I sat in the car, with David driving, Y/n being in her car, I thought about what had happened last week, when Milky told me I was in love.

Maybe..just maybe..

I already asked her out so..

"Hey, David?"

"Yes, Max?" He answered.

"How do you know..when you're in love?" I felt like a kid again, asking him a stupid question like that.

"Well...from what I know, which isn't a whole lot, is that you always find yourself looking at them. Not just because you find that pretty, or such, but because you're just so..infatuated with everything they do. They're just so amazing, and you admire it so much you can't help but look at them."

"..damn.." I was surprised by the way he put it.

"Why? Is there someone you like?"


"Do I know this person?" David asked, smiling at me.

"I think you already know who this is, don't you?" I asked, squinting at him.

"Can I guess?"



" got it."

David couldn't help but smile at me, "Max, that's really sweet."

"Yeah, whatever," I scoffed, making him chuckle.

"Same old Max, with his same old crush."

"And what's that supposed to mean??"

"I just find it extraordinary that you love her now, just like you did when you were 14."

"..I guess you're right."

"Anyways, we're here."

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