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//Your POV//

I sped down the highway in a hurry.

'Shit! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!'

Of course the case with the kid addicted to line dancing (yes, that happened) had to take so long that I'm late for Camp Campbell.

I cut some dude off in the right lane to take the exit, which I'm not supposed to do since I'm still in uniform and I'm in a licensed car from work.

After 15 more minutes, I reached that smelly, old, campsite for that reunion the email spoke of.

Everything looked the exact same as it did years ago.

I smiled at the nostalgic plain, taking in all the memories from when I was 13.

"Ah, memories," I sighed to myself.

And then, I felt a body walk into me.

A bouquet of green hair poofed into my face.

'Wait a minute..'


"Y/n!" Nikki swooned me into a tight embrace.

Her green hair rain down her back to her butt in a fishtail braid.

She sported the green Camp Campbell counselor tee shirt with a gray sweatshirt under it and beige shorts, with black stretch pants under them and cyan running shoes.

We were about the same height, me being a little taller than her.

"Oh, Nikki, you look great!" I smiled.

"You too, N/n! Come on, everyone else is here but you! Oh yeah, and Jaiden," Nikki led me inside the Mess Hall.

Inside sat some people I could recognize.

The first person I spotted was obviously Neil, wearing boxy glasses, a red dress shirt, and a little less acne than I remember.

I saw who I assumed was Nerris and Harrison sitting next to each other, flirting.

There was one person I recognized but I just didn't know his name.

He sat next to Neil, looking bored, yet eager.

He had a bronze skin color that went in perfect harmony with his flooffy raven hair and teal eyes.

He had a little dark peach fuzz growing on his chin and slightly on his cheeks.

He wore a blue hoodie and dark blue denim jeans and worn out high top sneakers.

"Hiya Y/n!" David (I think) jumped out of nowhere, startling me so hard I pulled out brass knuckles to his face, making him fall to the ground.

I noticed that I did that and immediately corrected myself, "Oh- Oh my god! God, I hate reflexes! I'm so sorry..David?"

"Yeah, and it's okay," He smiled as I helped him up, and he then pressed a hug on me, "Oh, I'm so happy to see you!"

Liar, Liar (Sequel to "Once Upon A Summer")Where stories live. Discover now