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//Max's POV//

"What the fuck are you?!"

"I'm your worst nightmare, bitch!"


"This is stupid," I sighed.

"This is by far the most corny and terrible horror movie I've ever seen," Y/n chuckled.

"Can this even be considered a horror movie?" I changed the channel to a different movie channel.

I kept flicking through channels and nothing looked good.

We were sitting on my bed, hanging out.

'I'm probably boring her to death..wait, I got.'

"You know what? Wanna go see a movie? My treat," I said.

"Really? You sure?" She perked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, there's a place I know that's really cheap for movies."


Y/n was about to say something else but I put a finger in front of her mouth.

I heard footsteps, getting louder.

And then I realized they were coming near my door.

//Your POV//

"Y/n get in my closet. And take Sparty with you," Max whispered.

"Uh..Okay?" I shrugged.

I picked up Sparty and stood in the closet, Max shutting door on me.

Now standing in darkness cradling a dog, I tried to listen to whatever was going on outside the closet.

I heard a door open.

"Max," A gruff, annoyed sounding voice said.


"You're making too much fucking noise. Don't you work tomorrow anyways? You're probably going to oversleep like the dumbass you are."

"Fuck off, dad."

'Oh shit.'

"And you wonder why we don't fucking bother with you. You're a fucking disrespectful twat that can't get his shit together!"

"Fuck you! I don't want to be here anyways!" Max yelled back.

This was getting intense and if Max was under 18, it would have been possible for me to intervene, but he was over the age limit for CPS.

Sparty must've been frightened from the yelling, causing him to shake.

"Well we don't want you here! You can be out by tomorrow afternoon! You never respected anything! Our home, our religion, not your own fucking parents!"

"What's there to respect about you fuckers?!"

And then..I heard it.


"Serves you right. You have til tomorrow," His dad said and must've left the room.

After a minute, Max said, "You can come out now."

I opened the door to the closet with one hand and put Sparty back on the floor with the other.

Max was picking himself up off the hardwood floor, meaning his farther most likely pushed him to the ground.

"Max, are you okay??" I helped him up.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry you had to hear that," Max apologized.

"It's okay," I put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry you have to live that."

"Had. Now I have to find somewhere to live thanks to my big mouth."

"You could stay at my place," I shrugged, "There's an extra room, rent is cheap, and the only thing we need to do is get approval from Celeryy."

"How do you know she'll say yes to me by tomorrow?" Max asked.

"Probably because she already knows you and I'll beg if I have to."

"Y/n, you really don't have to-"

"Already sent a text," I interrupted him, "if she doesn't see it now, she'll see it tomorrow morning."

"I..thanks Y/n."

"No problem. You can stay the night as a guest so we can move you in first thing in the morning."

"Alright..let me just grab my stuff but what about Sparty. Will she let me bring him?"

"Have you met her? She loves dogs! She grew up with dogs her whole life. She refuses to watch the ending of Marley and Me."

"Are the others allergic?"

"I don't think so."

Max filled a backpack with clothes, a tooth brush and toothpaste and a comb.

"I'm just gonna take off from work tomorrow," He shrugged.

Once he got his stuff together, he put Spartacus in his back pack, leaving a little hole open in the zipper for him peek his head out.

I was the first to climb across the branch and jump from a lower branch, landing in a squat position.

Max jumped down from the top branch.

"Damn.." I elbowed him, "you've been doing this for a long time, huh?"

"Too long," He rolled his eyes.

As we walked to my car, I noticed he was quiet, obviously upset.

"Hey. Everything's gonna be okay," I smiled.

"...I hope so."

"Trust me, things will get better. You won't have to deal with that asshole anymore, I promise."

"I trust you," He smiled back slightly.

Once we hopped in the car, Max asked me, "Speaking of parents, does your dad still see that lady that we met when we ran from camp?"

"Oh, the Stepmonster?"

"Pffft, you call her that?"

"Yeah, soon after he married that witch," I rolled my eyes, "I absolutely despise her."

"Yeah, she looked like an entitled, yellow, Barbie as far as I can remember."

I chuckled, "Yeah. She's a t h o t ."

And we continued laughing and poking fun at the people we hate as we walked to my car.

This was gonna be a fun night, I could tell.

Liar, Liar (Sequel to "Once Upon A Summer")Where stories live. Discover now