Chapter 39: Depression

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"Tala Zmaj," Ferox said sorrowfully, reaching out to her Beyblade for the first time today. "What do you think I should do about Ashtem?" Her fingers quivered, and her eyes watered profusely. "I feel like I have to go to America and help Kyoya find Chris."

You heard what Yuki said. Your parents, Kenta, King, and Aguma were all murdered. You're probably next. You're a jackpot with three Star Fragments. And if Ashtem gets his hands back on me, you know what will happen, Tala Zmaj said, trying to discourage Ferox from taking action. Too much weighed on Ferox's shoulders, and Ferox could not do everything by herself.

"He could turn you back to evil?" Ferox said. She was extremely close to her Bey spirit, so hearing Zmaj suggest that she could turn against her was ominous.

I carry the Star Fragment of Nemesis, Zmaj said vaguely, so evil always lurks on the horizon.

"That's comforting," Ferox said dryly. She rubbed her forehead with her hand as the full emotional burden of the day's events crashed onto her. "Shit, I'm tired, and I can't catch a break." She sighed, feeling uncertain about what to do now. "Maybe Free can make me feel better. But I don't want to bother him."

I'm sorry, Zmaj said, unsure what else to tell Ferox.

Ferox ultimately did find Free, and he was not looking so hot either. He did not greet her when she walked into his view; he stared off into space. Dark circles were under his eyes, and his hair was messier than usual. His appearance told Ferox that she would not receive comfort from him.

She swallowed ever so slightly. It was fine. She could do this.

Ferox plunked down beside Free, and she grew increasingly numb as she saw the emptiness in his gaze. However, she urged herself to bury her own issues and reach out to him with her heart. Free clearly needed her right now. She asked kindly, "How are you doing, Free?"

Free remained silent.

Ferox bit her lip, and she tried again with a soft tone, "It's okay if you don't want to talk. Just know that I'm here for you."

Once again, he did not respond.

Free's eyes were glazed over as if his mind was detached from his body, or his thoughts were someplace far away. So Ferox wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his shoulder. She would make the most of his support--even if it was just his presence--yet she yearned for more. Ferox wanted to feel like somebody cared about her.

Free suddenly shifted, and he twisted his arm around her waist. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice you. I'm just feeling sad, tired, and worthless."

"Me, too," Ferox admitted. She did not know why, but hearing him confide in her about those feelings made it easier for her to acknowledge her problems.

The words slipped out of her mouth before she could think about it: "I feel like shit. I've been solving so many problems today without any breathing room. I try so hard to suck things up, and it's driving me crazy. But when people see that you're sad, they jump to try and fix you."

Free's eyes widened as it was not often that he heard Ferox cuss like that. Despite how sad he felt, he said, "I get that, mi novia. Christina pushed me to see a psychiatrist at some point, and he diagnosed me with major depressive disorder. He handed me some pills, but I don't get how I can just take something, and I'll suddenly be happy."

After he admitted it, Free swallowed and felt frightened about how Ferox would react. It was not particularly attractive for a guy to have major depressive disorder. Mental illness was highly taboo--shameful darkness hanging over his head.

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